Area Manager (AM)
The minimum editor rank (typically) required to receive area manager status is 2.
City - Add new
The minimum editor rank to create a new city (not add an existing city to an object) is 4.
City - Rename
The minimum editor rank to change the name of a city, and thus the name displayed in the address of every segment and venue that uses it is a CM regardless of Editor Rank.
Restricted Driving Areas
The minimum editor rank to create or edit Restricted Driving Areas is 5.
Update Request (UR)
The minimum editor rank required to close an Update Request not created by oneself is 2.
Real Time Closure (RTC)
The minimum editor rank to create or edit a Real Time Closure (RTC) including adding it to a Major Traffic Event (MTE) is 4.
Segment - Delete
The minimum editor rank to delete a segment not created by oneself is 2.
Segment - Delete daily
When the editor rank is less than 3, the number of segments that can be deleted per day is 10.
Segment - Delete unlimited
The minimum editor rank to delete an unlimited number of segments not created by oneself is 3.
Junction Box
The minimum editor rank to create or edit a junction box is 5.
Lane guidance
The minimum editor rank to add or edit lane guidance is 2.
MTE - Create or edit
The minimum editor rank to create or edit a Major Traffic Event (MTE) is 2.
Place - Flagged content needing approval
The minimum editor rank required to approve flagged content is 2.
Railroad crossing (RRC)
The minimum rank to add a Railroad crossing is 4.
Street Name - Daily changes
When the editor rank is less than 2, the number of street name changes that can be completed per day is 30.
Street Name - Daily unlimited
The minimum editor rank to change an unlimited number of street names per day is 2.
Road Width
The minimum editor rank to add or edit Road Widths is 3.
Turn instruction
The minimum editor rank to add or edit a custom turn instruction on a turn is 4.
Add/Edit Cameras
The minimum editor rank to add or edit Cameras is 1.
Force House Numbers
The minimum editor rank to force a house number into WME is 3.