Paving Geschiedenis weergeven

  • You are currently limited to routing up to about 200 miles (320km) distance
  • Waze gives verbal instructions at fixed distances from turns. For example, at 800m (half a mile), 200m (200 yards) and at the turn. There is a problem when you complete one turn and the distance to the next turn is less than 200m. While the display shows the upcoming turn, there is no verbal warning until you reach the turn. This is too late when you need to get into the correct lane. A new verbal warning is needed such as "Coming next: turn right"
  • When you request a route the client device app assumes you are continuing in the same direction your last travelled. This is often desirable, but can lead to unnecessarily longer routes when you have a choice of direction from your starting position. We need the option to tell Waze we can leave a starting point in any direction
  • [Currently working] Routing server unavailable on 15 September for over 16 hours. Client routing and Live Map routing fails with a message that the routing server could not be contacted. This has been an intermittent problem for nearly a week. Failures seem to coincide with updates to the Live Map. On 9 September the routing server was unavailable for over 12 hours. It was also unavailable for an hour on 13 September.