The BeNeLux Wiki
The Waze Wazeopedia consist of the Global Wiki and Wiki's targeted to local communities. Waze BeNeLux has here its own Wazeopedia Wiki, which serves as the rulebook for the entire BeNeLux. It is not a summary of current state of affairs and exceptions in the BeNeLux. If editing has gone to different paths our first objective is to formulate a common guideline.
For tips and remarks regarding our Wiki use the Slack group #team-wazeopedia or this forum page.
- A Main Page with an introduction and links to long reads like for instance the Quick start guide
- The terms used in the articles will link to pages with in-depth descriptions of these terms.
- Besides the regular article pages there is an Index to support easy access to the information.
- Each article page starts with the topline template and ends with the bottomline template.
- The base version of each article will be entered in English.
- The base version will be used to translate these pages into Dutch, French and others.
- More on translation see the Wiki Translation page.