Stairway Geschiedenis weergeven

Versie door MediaWiki default (overleg) op 24 jun 2012 om 04:07 (Created template for Point earnings)
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Activity Points Unit
Road reporting1 6 per report
Report comments 3 per comment
Editing the map2 1.5 per edit3
Solving map update requests 3 per request solved
Adding street names 3 per name
Adding house numbers4 3 per house number
Forum posts 2 per 3 forum posts
Activity Per mile Per km
Normal driving 5 3.2
Road munching 16 10
New road recording 64 40

1 Pings, chit-chats, and their comments do not accumulate points.

2 Mass-editing (selecting multiple roads and update them) in the current Waze Map Editor tracks each of the above edits separately, but edits to geometry are all counted as a single edit for each segment. With the older Cartouche editor, mass-editing counts for 1.5 point per road segment you edit, independent of how many fields/attributes are updated.

3 Currently additional bonus points are available equal to 1.5 points per edit for every 500 edits to the map.

4 Adding house numbers is not currently supported in the Waze Map Editor (WME). This was a feature supported in the original editor, Cartouche. It is not clear if, or when, this feature will be added to WME.