Regel 1: |
Regel 1: |
| ==Standard suffix abbreviations== | | ==Standard Abbreviations== |
| | |
| Notes: | | Notes: |
| # Only abbreviate suffixes (I.e. "The Avenue", "The Green" "Piccadilly Circuit", etc. should not be abbreviated. | | # Roads like "The Avenue", "The Green" etc should not normally be abbreviated. |
| For example: “Circuit Avenue Road” would be abbreviated to Circuit Avenue Rd and not Cct Ave Rd”
| | # TTS = Text To Speech for supported countries. |
| Exceptions are
| | |
| # T.T.S. = Text To Speech for supported countries. | |
| # Suffix abbreviations do not contain "." (Full-stops) at the end.
| |
| |
| {| class="wikitable sortable" style="background:white; font-size:80%; margin: 1em auto 1em auto" border="1" | | {| class="wikitable sortable" style="background:white; font-size:80%; margin: 1em auto 1em auto" border="1" |
| | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Legend''' | | | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Road Name ''' |
| | | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|''' Abbreviation ''' |
| | | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|''' TTS Compatibility ''' |
| | |- |
| | | Alley|| Aly || Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Annex|| Anx|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Arcade|| Arc|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Avenue|| Ave|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Bayoo|| Byu|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Beach|| Bch|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Bend|| Bnd|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Bluff|| Blf|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Bottom|| Btm|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Boulevard|| Blvd|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Branch|| Br|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Bridge|| Brg|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Broadway|| Bdwy|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Brook|| Brk|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Brooks||Brks|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Burg||Bg|| Incompatible |
| | |- |
| | | Burgs||Bgs|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Bypass||Byp|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Camp||Cp|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Canyon||Cyn|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Cape||Cpe|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Causeway||Cswy|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Center||Ctr|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Centers||Ctrs|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Circle||Cir|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Circles||Cirs|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Cliff||Clf|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Cliffs||Clfs|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Close|| Cl|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Club||Clb|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Common||Cmn|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Corner||Cor|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Corners||Cors|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Course||Crse|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Court|| Ct|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Courts||Cts|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Cove||Cv|| Incompatible |
| | |- |
| | | Coves||Cvs|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Creek||Crk|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Crescent||Cres|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Crest||Crst|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Crossing||Xing|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Crossroad||Xrd|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Curve||Curv|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Dale||Dl|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Dam||Dam|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Divide||Dv|| Incompatible |
| | |- |
| | | Drive|| Dr|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Drives||Drs|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Estate||Est|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Estates||Ests|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Expressway||Expy|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Extension||Ext|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Extensions||Exts|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Fall||Fall|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Falls||Fls|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Ferry||Fry|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Field||Fld|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Fields||Flds|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Flat||Flt|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Flats||Flts|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Ford||Frd|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Fords||Frds|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Forest||Frst|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Forge||Frg|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Forges||Frgs|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Fork||Frk|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Forks||Frks|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Fort||Ft|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Freeway|| Fwy|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Garden|| Gdn|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Gardens|| Gdns|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Gateway||Gtwy|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Glen||Gln|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Glens||Glns|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Green||Grn|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Greens||Grns|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Grove|| Grv|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Groves||Grvs|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Harbor||Hbr|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Harbors||Hbrs|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Haven||Hvn|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Heights||Hts|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Highway|| Hwy|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Hill||Hl|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Hills||Hls|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Hollow||Holw|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Inlet||Inlt|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Island||Is|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Islands||Iss|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Isle||Il|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Junction||Jctn|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Junctions||Jctns|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Key||Key|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Keys||Keys|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Knoll||Knl|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Knolls||Knls|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Lake||Lk|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Lakes||Lks|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Land||Land|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Landing||Lndg|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Lane|| Ln|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Light||Lgt|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Lights||Lgts|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Loaf||Lf|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Lock||Lck|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Locks||Lcks|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Lodge||Ldg|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Loop||Loop|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Mall||Mall|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Manor||Mnr|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Manors||Mnrs|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Meadow||Mdw|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Meadows||Mdws|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Mews||Mews|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Mill||Ml|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Mills||Mls|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Mission||Msn|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Motorway||Mtwy|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Mount|| Mount|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Mountain||Mtn|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Mountains||Mtns|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Neck||Nck|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Orchard||Orch|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Oval||Oval|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Overpass||Opas|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Parade|| Pde|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Park|| Pk|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Parks||Pks|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Parkway||Pky|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Parkways||Pkys|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Pass||Pass|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Passage||Psge|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Path||Path|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Pike||Pke|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Pine||Pne|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Pines||Pnes|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Place|| Pl|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Plain||Pln|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Plains||Plns|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Plaza||Plz|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Point||Pt|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Points||Pts|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Port||Prt|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Ports||Prts|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Prairie||Prr|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Radial||Radl|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Ramp||Ramp|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Ranch||Rnch|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Rapid||Rpd|| Incompatible |
| | |- |
| | | Rapids||Rpds|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Rest||Rst|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Ridge||Rdge|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Ridges||Rdgs|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Rise||Rise|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | River||Riv|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Road|| Rd|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Roads||Rds|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Route||Rte|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Row||Row|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Rue||Rue|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Run||Run|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Shoal||Shl|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Shoals||Shls|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Shore||Shr|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Shores||Shrs|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Skyway||Skwy|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Spring||Spg|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Springs||Spgs|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Spur||Spur|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Square|| Sq|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Squares||Sqs|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Station||Sta|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Stream||Strm|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Street|| St|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Streets||Sts|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Summit||Smt|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Terrace|| Ter|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Throughwawy||Thwy|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Trace||Trce|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Track||Trak|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Trafficway||Trfy|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Trail||Trl|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Tunnel||Tunl|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Turnpike||Tpk|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Underpass||Upas|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Union||Un|| Untested |
| | |- |
| | | Unions||Uns|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Valley||Vly|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Valleys||Vlys|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Viaduct||Vdct|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | View||Vw|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Views||Vws|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Village||Vlg|| Yes |
| | |- |
| | | Villages||Vlgs|| Yes |
| |- | | |- |
| | style="background:# 66FF33;"|T.T.S. available | | | Ville||Vl|| Untested |
| |- | | |- |
| | style="background:# FFCC00;"|T.T.S. not-tested | | | Vista||Vis|| Yes |
| |- | | |- |
| | style="background:# FF6633;"|T.T.S. not-available | | | Walk||Walk|| Yes |
| }
| | |- |
| | | | Wall||Wall|| Yes |
| | | |- |
| {| class="wikitable sortable" style="background:white; font-size:80%; margin: 1em auto 1em auto" border="1"
| | | Waters||Wtr|| Untested |
| | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|'''Road Name '''
| | |- |
| | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|''' Standard, 4-character abbreviation''' | | | Way||Way|| Yes |
| | align="center" style="background:#f0f0f0;"|''' Alternate, 3-character abbreviation ''' | | |- |
| | COLOUR MARKER|| style="background:#66FF33;" | CLR MKER style="background:# FFCC00;"| CLR MKR | | | Ways||Ways|| Yes |
| |Access || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Accs || style="background:# 66FF33;"|? | | |- |
| |Alley || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Ally || style="background:# 66FF33;"|Aly
| | | Well||Wl|| Yes |
| |Alleyway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Alwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|?
| | |- |
| |Amble || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Ambl || style="background:# 66FF33;"|?
| | | Wells||Wls|| Yes |
| |Anchorage || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Ancg || style="background:# 66FF33;"|?
| | |} |
| |Annex || style="background:# FFCC00;"|? || style="background:# 66FF33;"|?
| |
| |Approach || style="background:# FFCC00;"|App || style="background:# 66FF33;"|?
| |
| |Arcade || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Arc || style="background:# 66FF33;"|Arc
| |
| |Artery || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Art || style="background:# 66FF33;"|?
| |
| |Avenue || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Ave || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Basin || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Basn || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Beach || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Bch || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Bend || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Bend || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Block || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Blk || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Boulevard || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Bvd || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Brace || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Brce || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Brae || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Brae || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Break || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Brk || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Bridge || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Bdge || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Broadway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Bdwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Brow || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Brow || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Bypass || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Bypa || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Byway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Bywy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Causeway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Caus || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Centre || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Ctr || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Centreway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Cnwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"| | |
| |Chase || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Ch || style="background:# 66FF33;"| | |
| |Circle || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Cir || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Circlet || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Clt || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Circuit || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Cct || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Circus || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Crcs || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Close || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Cl || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Colonnade || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Clde || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Common || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Cmmn || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Concourse || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Con || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Copse || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Cps || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Corner || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Cnr || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Corso || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Cso || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Court || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Ct || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Courtyard || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Ctyd || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Cove || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Cove || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Crescent || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Cres || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Crest || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Crst || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Cross || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Crss || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Crossing || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Crsg || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Crossroad || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Crd || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Crossway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Cowy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Cruiseway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Cuwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Cul-De-Sac || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Cds || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Cutting || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Cttg || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Dale || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Dale || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Dell || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Dell || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Deviation || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Devn || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Dip || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Dip || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Distributor || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Dstr || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Drive || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Dr || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Driveway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Drwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Edge || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Edge || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Elbow || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Elb || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |End || style="background:# FFCC00;"|End || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Entrance || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Ent || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Esplanade || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Esp || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Estate || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Est || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Expressway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Exp || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Extension || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Extn || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Fairway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Fawy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Fire Track || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Ftrk || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Firetrail || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Fitr || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Flat || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Flat || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Follow || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Folw || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Footway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Ftwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Foreshore || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Fshr || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Formation || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Form || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Freeway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Fwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Front || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Frnt || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Frontage || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Frtg || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Gap || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Gap || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Garden || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Gdn || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Gardens || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Gdns || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Gate || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Gte || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Gates || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Gtes || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Glade || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Gld || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Glen || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Glen || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Grange || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Gra || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Green || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Grn || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Ground || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Grnd || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Grove || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Gr || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Gully || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Gly || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Heights || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Hts || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Highroad || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Hrd || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Highway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Hwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Hill || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Hill || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Interchange || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Intg || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Intersection || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Intn || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Junction || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Jnc || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Key || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Key || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Landing || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Ldg || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Lane || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Lane || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Laneway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Lnwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Lees || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Lees || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Line || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Line || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Link || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Link || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Little || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Lt || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Lookout || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Lkt || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Loop || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Loop || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Lower || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Lwr || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Mall || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Mall || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Meander || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Mndr || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Mew || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Mew || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Mews || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Mews || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Motorway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Mwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Mount || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Mt || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Nook || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Nook || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Outlook || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Otlk || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Parade || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Pde || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Park || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Park || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Parklands || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Pkld || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Parkway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Pkwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Part || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Part || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Pass || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Pass || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Path || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Path || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Pathway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Phwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Piazza || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Piaz || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Place || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Pl || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Plateau || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Plat || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Plaza || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Plza || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Pocket || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Pkt || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Point || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Pnt || style="background:# 66FF33;"| | |
| |Port || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Port || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Promenade || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Prom || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Quad || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Quad || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Quadrangle || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Qdgl || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Quadrant || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Qdrt || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Quay || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Qy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Quays || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Qys || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Ramble || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rmbl || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Ramp || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Ramp || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Range || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rnge || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Reach || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rch || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Reserve || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Res || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Rest || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rest || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Retreat || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rtt || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Ride || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Ride || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Ridge || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rdge || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Ridgeway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rgwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Right Of Way || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rowy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Ring || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Ring || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Rise || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rise || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |River || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rvr || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Riverway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rvwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Riviera || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rvra || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Road || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rd || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Roads || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rds || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Roadside || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rdsd || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Roadway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rdwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Ronde || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rnde || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Rosebowl || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rsbl || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Rotary || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rty || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Round || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rnd || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Route || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rte || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Row || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Row || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Rue || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Rue || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Run || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Run || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Service Way || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Swy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Siding || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Sdng || style="background:# 66FF33;"| | |
| |Slope || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Slpe || style="background:# 66FF33;"| | |
| |Sound || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Snd || style="background:# 66FF33;"| | |
| |Spur || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Spur || style="background:# 66FF33;"| | |
| |Square || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Sq || style="background:# 66FF33;"| | |
| |Stairs || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Strs || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |State Highway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Shwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Steps || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Stps || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Strand || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Stra || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Street || style="background:# FFCC00;"|St || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Strip || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Strp || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Subway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Sbwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Tarn || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Tarn || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Terrace || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Tce || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Thoroughfare || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Thor || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Tollway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Tlwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Top || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Top || style="background:# 66FF33;"| | |
| |Tor || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Tor || style="background:# 66FF33;"| | |
| |Towers || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Twrs || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Track || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Trk || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Trail || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Trl || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Trailer || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Trlr || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Triangle || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Tri || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Trunkway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Tkwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Turn || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Turn || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Underpass || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Upas || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Upper || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Upr || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Vale || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Vale || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Viaduct || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Vdct || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |View || style="background:# FFCC00;"|View || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Villas || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Vlls || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Vista || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Vsta || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Wade || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Wade || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Walk || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Walk || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Walkway || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Wkwy || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Way || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Way || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Wharf || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Whrf || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Wynd || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Wynd || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |Yard || style="background:# FFCC00;"|Yard || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| } | |
| shjfhshfhsd
| |
| |
| || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| | Also see this Wiki article for additional info: |
| | Ways||Ways|| Yes || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |- || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| | Well||Wl|| Yes || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| |- || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| | Wells||Wls|| Yes || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| | || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| || style="background:# 66FF33;"|
| |
| Also see this Wiki article for additional info: || style="background:# 66FF33;"| | |
| [https://www.waze.com/wiki/index.php/Road_Naming_%28USA%29#Abbreviations_.26_Acronyms Abbreviations & Acronyms] | | [https://www.waze.com/wiki/index.php/Road_Naming_%28USA%29#Abbreviations_.26_Acronyms Abbreviations & Acronyms] |