House numbers
Since november 2014 it is possible to search for house numbers in the Waze database. To support this functionality, Waze imported in the Netherlands house number data from external sources.
When searching for an address in the Waze app or Live map, Waze will use the following order to present the results:
- Manually created housenumbers
- Google Maps database
- Imported housenumber data
Imported house numbers can be recognized for there is no editor linked to the house number in the house number screen. For the best working of Waze follow this guideline: if you notice a wrongly positioned address/house number in the app or livemap, add the house number or correct the house number in the Waze Map Editor. If the house number looks correct, but there is no editor linked to it yet, just give it a nudge and Save. Now you should see your name linked to the house number when you select it. See also our Wiki page on House numbers.
Note: Be aware that, in the app, old search records should be removed to get an updated result.