Translations:Controlling U turns/4/es Ver historial

  1. Three segments: The U-turn is a reversal of driving direction through three segments:
    an incoming segment (A), a single median segment (B) and an outgoing segment (C).
  2. Short median: The median segment (B) is shorter than Routing penalties/U-turn minimum.
    As a safety margin, leave a 1 m buffer zone by using Routing penalties/U-turn minimum or less.
  3. In/out parallelism: The in and out segments (A and C) are within ±5° of parallel to each other.

It is possible for this method to fail to prevent a U-turn when it is the first segment of a route, or it immediately follows a reroute. If you observe this method to fail in other situations when it is implemented properly, please report it in this forum thread