Template:Lock Standard State/doc View history

Revision as of 19:10, 18 January 2015 by Qwaletee (talk | contribs) (Link to parent template (when not transcluded into it!))
This is a documentation subpage for Template:Lock Standard State.
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original template page.

This template, Template:Lock Standard State, simplifies calls to the Locking Standard template. The parameter list is somewhat long, and easy to confuse should there be multiple variations of locking standards within the state. To simplify this, a second template -- this one -- can be used to can the call for each area.

You call this template as follows:
{{Lock Standard State|XY}}
...where XY is a state abbreviation or the like. But the list of abbreviations "and the like" must be predefined in this template.


Note that due to the peculiarities of the underlying Locking Standard template, the state name is only picked up correctly when used as intended in State Pages. It otherwise picks up the rather nonsensical (in context) name of the current page for the caption/lede.

{{Lock Standard State|CA}}

In Lock Standard State we have a set minimum standard for locking roads based on segment type. Any road of a certain segment type must be locked at least to the rank (level) in the chart below. Roads may be locked higher for protection and special situations (areas with construction, tricky design, frequent mistakes, imaging inaccuracies, and the like), but should not be locked lower.

A great time to implement these locks is while bringing the road types of an area into compliance with the current US road type standards (FC and highway systems). Lock the roads based on type after they've been set to current US road type standards.

Lock Standard State Minimum Locking Rank Standard
Segment Type Metro Areas  Rural
 Freeway  5
 Ramp  5
 Major Highway  3 2
 Minor Highway  2
 Primary Street  2
 Street  1
 • • • • Ferry • • • •   5
 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Railroad |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  2

{{Lock Standard State|NM}}

Actual locks used may be more or less than values in the table, depending on area circumstance. Please consult the RC, SM, or appropriate AM for guidance.

Lock Standard State Minimum Locking Rank Standard
Segment Type Default locks
 Freeway  5
 Ramp  4
 Major Highway  4
 Minor Highway  3
 Primary Street  2
 Street  1
 • • • • Ferry • • • •   5
 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Railroad |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  2

{{Lock Standard State|NEW ENGLAND}}

In Lock Standard State we have a set minimum standard for locking roads based on segment type. Any road of a certain segment type must be locked at least to the rank (level) in the chart below. Roads may be locked higher for protection and special situations (areas with construction, tricky design, frequent mistakes, imaging inaccuracies, and the like), but should not be locked lower.

A great time to implement these locks is while bringing the road types of an area into compliance with the current US road type standards (FC and highway systems). Lock the roads based on type after they've been set to current US road type standards.

Lock Standard State Minimum Locking Rank Standard
Segment Type CT/MA/ME/NH/RI/VT
 Freeway  5
 Ramp  Highest rank of connected segment
 Major Highway  4
 Minor Highway  3
 Primary Street  1 (Auto)
 Street  1 (Auto)
 Private Road  1 (Auto)
 • • • • Ferry • • • •   5
 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Railroad |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  2

Note: Do Not Mass Edit just to update locks to these standards, these can be adjusted as you find them while editing other aspects of the segments such as FC, speed limits, naming, etc.

Some segments still warrant higher locks and care should be taken when setting segment lock to these standards to look for and protect these special setups with higher locks. Some examples; segments which are part of BDP, U-turn prevention, or using micro-doglegs, or other complex intersection setups.

{{Lock Standard State|NORTHEAST}}

In Lock Standard State we have a set minimum standard for locking roads based on segment type. Any road of a certain segment type must be locked at least to the rank (level) in the chart below. Roads may be locked higher for protection and special situations (areas with construction, tricky design, frequent mistakes, imaging inaccuracies, and the like), but should not be locked lower.

A great time to implement these locks is while bringing the road types of an area into compliance with the current US road type standards (FC and highway systems). Lock the roads based on type after they've been set to current US road type standards.

Lock Standard State Minimum Locking Rank Standard
Segment Type Statewide
 Freeway  5
 Ramp  Highest rank of connected segments
 Major Highway  3
 Minor Highway  3
 Primary Street  1 (Auto)
 Street  1 (Auto)
 Private Road  1 (Auto)
 • • • • Ferry • • • •   5
 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Railroad |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  2

Note: Do Not Mass Edit just to update locks to these standards, these can be adjusted as you find them while editing other aspects of the segments such as FC, speed limits, naming, etc.

Some segments still warrant higher locks and care should be taken when setting segment lock to these standards to look for and protect these special setups with higher locks. Some examples; segments which are part of BDP, U-turn prevention, or using micro-doglegs, or other complex intersection setups.

{{Lock Standard State|NY}}

In Lock Standard State we have a set minimum standard for locking roads based on segment type. Any road of a certain segment type must be locked at least to the rank (level) in the chart below. Roads may be locked higher for protection and special situations (areas with construction, tricky design, frequent mistakes, imaging inaccuracies, and the like), but should not be locked lower.

A great time to implement these locks is while bringing the road types of an area into compliance with the current US road type standards (FC and highway systems). Lock the roads based on type after they've been set to current US road type standards.

Lock Standard State Minimum Locking Rank Standard
Segment Type NYC Only  Everywhere Else
 Freeway  5
 Ramp  Highest rank of connected segment
 Major Highway  5 3
 Minor Highway  4 3
 Primary Street  3 1 (Auto)
 Street  1 (Auto)
 Private Road  1 (Auto)
 • • • • Ferry • • • •   5
 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Railroad |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  2

Note: Do Not Mass Edit just to update locks to these standards, these can be adjusted as you find them while editing other aspects of the segments such as FC, speed limits, naming, etc.

Some segments still warrant higher locks and care should be taken when setting segment lock to these standards to look for and protect these special setups with higher locks. Some examples; segments which are part of BDP, U-turn prevention, or using micro-doglegs, or other complex intersection setups.

The template is a large "switch" statement that shows all the "states" (or provinces, regions, etc.) for which it is programmed. To program a new one, you must first know how to use Standard Locking -- this template doesn't eliminate that work, it just self-documents it, makes your wiki code look much cleaner, and less likely to accidentally break. (However, anyone touching the code here can break a lot of state pages!)

Once you have the definition, use the following guidance to add a new state/region/group of localities/etc. Each state abbreviation must be in all UPPER CASE, and takes a format like this:

| AB = {{Locking Standard

  <!--optional comment explaining source of information, etc., the dashes, ! and LT/GT are part of the wiki code and must be present-->
  |paramA=value value value
  |paramB=text text text

| CD = {{Locking Standard}} <!--simple case, uses no params, only defaults--> | REGION9 | REGION9PROVINCE1 | REGION9PROVINCE2 | REGION9PROVINCE3 = {{</nowiki>Locking Standard

  |lede=This locking standard applies to the entire Region 9 (all three member provinces, Province1, Province2, Province3)

| NEW SMALLVILLE | NEW BIGVILLE = {{</nowiki>Locking Standard|Fwy=4}}

  <!--New Smallville and New Bigville share the same setup, so only one of them has to actually have the code (always the last one), and the others don't have an = {{</nowiki>Locking Standard... the wiki understands to just pick the next one actually specified-->