Oklahoma/To do/Main View history

Revision as of 15:00, 25 September 2014 by DBsooner (talk | contribs) (*/To_do/Main*/)

Want to help out with the map in Oklahoma? Check out the list below. Be sure to ask questions to your fellow editors and seek out advice in chat or in the forums. Please adhere to the rules for editing. Parking lot roads do not need to go through gas stations. The gas station area suppresses traffic so map problems (MP) do not show up in the editor.

  • Read the Waze wiki
  • Solve URs
  • Clean up map errors in the area you are most familiar with
  • Clean up map errors in rural areas around your home area
  • Complete this wiki - FINISHED
    • Create a checklist for areas of work You can use the Oklahoma/To do page to keep track.
    • Create a list for users to list their areas - FINISHED - SEE TABLE BELOW
    • Complete section discussing the naming of county roads

See Oklahoma/To do for specific To-Do's and their current status.