New Jersey/To do/Main View history

Revision as of 09:11, 26 August 2014 by Kobes1878 (talk | contribs) (Created new to do page (thank you PesachZ))

If you have any additions, updates, corrections, or suggestions for this page, feel free to edit it yourself, post on the state forum, or send a PM to one of the RCs or SMs listed below.

Thank you, and Happy Wazing!

General Maintenance

Primary issues for maintaining the road network

  • Remove unneeded junction nodes.
  • Disable all U-Turns at junction nodes (when applicable). Do this by pressing 'Q'.
  • Remove excess geometry nodes (those which are not changing the geometry of a segment). When the geometry node is very near the end of a segmsegment double check while zoomed-in to see if the geometry node is actually changing the turn angle.
  • Inspect and correct connectivity of necessary junctions.
  • Update all segment "Street Names" in accordance with the guidelines in the Road Names (USA) wiki article, and the New Jersey State specific guidelines.
  • Inspect and correct overpasses/underpasses to ensure that the segments are on different levels, and do not have a junction node where they meet.
  • Ensure that any roads crossing at the same elevation level have a junction node connecting them.
  • Ensure that Update Requests are being handled correctly, courteously and in a timely fashion.

FC Upgrade

  • Update the road network "Street Types" to match FC, for more information see FC update info
  • Use this Doc to track completion.