New York/To do/FC table View history

Revision as of 04:17, 14 August 2014 by PesachZ (talk | contribs) (added instructions)

These rows fill the FC upgrade table, and are modified using the template {{FC/County}}. If you are working on upgrading the roads to FC standards in a county please add your name to the end of the row for your county, and change the status to the appropriate status.

The only recognized text for status are spells exactly as listed here, and need to follow right after the county name separated by a pipe character (|). The statuses are; "not started", "in progress", and "complete" without the quotes (").

The editors working on FC in that county should add their username(s) after the status, separated by a pipe character (|). This template can accommodate up to six editors per county, separated by a pipe (|)

For example an untouched county will look like this in list below

{{FC/County|County Name|not started}}

and should be modified to look like this once the upgrade has started

{{FC/County|County Name|in progress|username}}

If there are multiple editors it should look like this

{{FC/County|County Name|in progress|username1|username2}}

The actual contents of this page will only be visible in the FC table, or when editing this page.