Maryland/Resources/Main View history

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Functional classification

Please review the USA Functional Classification page for details on this topic. Maryland resources can be found in the following links:

SHA Highway Location Reference
nzahn1's Mapping Resources (2012, Google Earth)
Baltimore City
MDOT Baltimore City Federal Aid Eligible Roads (2009)
Carroll County
Carroll County Function Classfication Webpage (2007)

In rare cases, a particular road may require a lower type than as prescribed in the FC guidance. Before lowering the type of any road past the bounds of the rules, please post the situation to the Maryland Forum to recieve feedback.

Road names

Use these state-wide maps for the names and numbers of Interstate, US, and State highways. They also include the names of many local roads.

Use this tool to identify street addresses. MD Dept of Planning recommends Firefox for this mapping application, however Chrome works well too). Under the Contents tab, check Parcel Boundaries and uncheck all other options. Navigate to a property and click it, then click SDAT URL in the popup for the Real Property page. Note that the base map is copyrighted, but an alternate version is available with a base map that is not copyrighted.

Counties and cities

Use these maps for the names of local roads and smaller streets not identified on the state maps. Some also provide house numbers.