Arizona/OLD TEMP/To do View history

Revision as of 03:53, 1 May 2014 by Fredo-p (talk | contribs) (added information for the Functional Classification changes to the state of Arizona)

Welcome Arizona Wazers! This is the Arizona To Do List Page. Want to help out with the map in Arizona? Please see Map Editing & Editing Best Practices for a starting point on how to edit the map.

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Functional Classification Implementation

Waze USA has agreed to set a national standard in accordance with the FHWA manual for establishing road classification types in Waze. The following information is in relation to how this is to be understood/applied for the state of Arizona.

AZ to Waze FC Color Conversion
Principal Arterial Interstate Freeway
Principal Arterial Freeway Freeway
Principal Arterial Other Major Highway
Minor Arterial Minor Highway
Major Collector Primary Street
Minor Collector Primary Street
Local Street

This is a link to the entire state of Arizona Functional Classification road types. Use this to assist in changed all the roads in Arizona to meet the standards of both the FHWA, Arizona Dept. of Transportation, and Waze road type guidelines.

Interactive Functional Classification Website

Documents and manuals

Maricopa County Department of Transportation


Policy Document and Street Classification Atlas

Adopted April 18, 2001

Revised September 2004

Revised June 2011


The Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Roadway Design Manual is the controlling document for all roadway specifications and requirements. Any references herein to the MCDOT Roadway Design Manual are to the edition adopted November 3, 1993 and revised April 2004. It is currently available online at:

MCDOT Roadway Design Manual


Name Status Area Manager
Loop 303 Under Construction ItsEric