To Do - St. Louis, MO View history

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Previous Update: Aug 10 2010

Last Updated: --Rottielover 20:15, 11 December 2012 (UTC)


Don't have "WME Highlights" ? Get is here: WME Highlights Script

This is hands down the most useful tool you can have to help you with your editing. Our area is FULL of U-Turn nodes and "Reverse Connections" from the prior versions of editors over the years. This script will assist you in finding and correcting these map errors.

12/10/12 - ALL previously unapproved (as of this date) speed and red light cameras in the area will be / should be deleted. The area speed and red light cams have been neglected to such a point that it's impossible to sort through the good from the bad.

The area's camera's have been cleaned up on a best efforts basis. Cams in likely spots should be approved, as Wazers can "vote" the camera's gone now.

Open issue list

This section is for keeping track of area's with multiple user problems reported (more than 2 in the same general area in a short time). Problems that involve multiple Area Manager's (AM), or higher to solve, or system issues that a local AM cannot resolve or needs to keep track of. This area is not to be used to keep a list of all issues, simple system and user issues should be resolved and marked solved in the WME. Once an issue is marked "solved" it can be removed by the next AM or higher to make an update to this page.

User / System Closest Intersection Date Started Status Comment
User/System Reported Downtown St. Louis area 12/14/12 On-Going Efforts The Downtown area is full of issues. I've been cleaning up 1 block around problem reports for now, when problem reports slow down I'll extend the range.
User Reported Watson @ Sappington 12/9/12 Updated Remove entry by Jan 15th @2013
User Reported Hwy 367 12/9/12 Updated Multiple user reported issues along Hwy 367 from Missouri River to I-270. Resolved many U-Turn and Reverse Connection Nodes in this area and updated road levels to better separate street level from Hwy road deck. (This item to be removed by Jan 15th 2013 if no more issues are reported.)
User Reported St. Charles Rock Rd between McKelvey and I-70 12/10/12 Updated General area cleanup. Remove entry by Jan 15th 2013

Construction Zones

Closed vs CONST ZN Location Date Starting/Started Scheduled Completion Date Comments / Link to MODOT
Closed Blanchette Bridge 11/04/12 Fall 2013 See Link for more info: Blanchette Bridge Renovations MODOT site
Closed 10th St North 03/26/12 06/03/2013 New Pavement, road closed 0.3 miles before Cst Mound St W.
Closed 11 St South 03/26/12 08/02/13 Shoulder Work, road closed .33 miles before Cst Cass Ave E.
Closed Ramp I-70 E to 10th St South 11/10/11 08/16/13 Roadside Work, Road closed starting at I-70 E
Closed Ramp I-70 W to 10th St North 11/24/12 01/25/13 New Pavement, road closed starting at I-70 W

Helpful Links: MODot Traveler Information Report

Missouri Freeways

Road Segment Area Manager Date Started Status Comment
I- 44 I- 55 to I- 270 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete
Outside I- 270 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Assigned Started.
I- 55 PSB to I- 44 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete ...
I- 44 to I- 255I- 270 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete ...
Outside I- 255I- 270 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 In Progress Done to Arnold. Needs locking and some exit renaming
I- 64US Hwy- 40 PSB to Kingshighway MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete ...
Kingshighway to I- 170 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete* *left unlocked until Sat images are up to date.
I- 170 to I- 270 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 In Progress Exits on 'New I-64' have been configured to match MoDOT's online plans but most of the new exits need names and numbers.
I- 270 to MO River MisterAsterix 04/19/10 In Progress Most exits & overpasses complete. Needs locking.
MO River to I- 70 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 In Progress Some exits & overpasses complete. Needs locking.
I- 70 PSB to I- 170 MisterAsterix Complete
I- 170 to I- 270 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete
I- 270 to MO River MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete
MO River to MO- 370 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete
MO- 370 to US Hwy- 40 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Assigned Sporadic.
I- 170 rottielover 12/11/12 Completed Corrected and locked all segments and ramps.
I- 255 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete
I- 270 River to I- 170 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete
I- 170 to I- 70 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete
I- 70 to I- 64 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete.
I- 64 to I- 44 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 In Progress Most overpasses done. Some exits named. Needs Locking.
I- 44 to I- 55 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete
MO- 364 (aka Page Ave Extension) MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Assigned Exits and overpasses 90% complete to MO- 94. Needs locking.
MO- 370 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Assigned Exits and Overpasses named and complete. Needs locking.

Illinois Freeways

Road Segment Area Manager Date Started Status Comment
I- 55I- 70 I- 64 to I- 255 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete
I- 255 to I- 270 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete
I- 55 North of I- 270 TBD Unassigned
I- 64 I- 55I- 70 to I- 255 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete
I- 255 to I- 57 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 In Progress Complete from I- 255 to Exit 14
I- 70 East of I- 270 TBD Unassigned
I- 255 JB Bridge to I- 64 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete
I- 64 to I- 55I- 70 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete
I- 55I- 70 to I- 270 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete.
IL- 255 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Assigned Road laid. Exits done from I- 270 North to Wood River exit. Needs locking.
I- 270 River to I- 255IL- 255 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete
I- 255IL- 255 to I- 55I- 70: Complete. MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete

US Highway's

US Highway Name Responsible Area Manager Date Started Status Comment
US- 40 TBD 04/19/10 Unassigned ...
US- 61 TBD 04/19/10 Unassigned ...
US- 67 rottielover 12/09/12 99% Corrected all U-turn and RevCon Nodes along entire length. Two locked (level 4) area's remain, @Olive and @Manchester. If not unlocked by 12/20/12 I will submit unlock requests to have these corrected.
US- 367 rottielover 12/09/12 Assigned This area has been updated as of 12/09/2012. I resolved 6 User complaints. This area to remain under scrutiny at least through Q1 2013.

MO State Highway's

MO Highway Name Responsible Area Manager Date Started Status Comment
MO- 94 rottielover 12/11/12 Assigned Begin cleanup and checking from I-70

IL State Highway's

IL Highway Name Responsible Area Manager Date Started Status Comment
IL- 255 MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Assigned See Illinois Freeways

Major Intersections

Major Intersection Responsible Area Manager Date Started Status Comment
Poplar Street Bridge (I- 55/64/70) MisterAsterix 04/19/10 Complete Complete though some experimenting going on to make driving instructions clearer.

Page Information

This page was originally created by MisterAsterix, and was last updated by that user account in Aug of 2010. In Dec of 2012, rottielover became an area manager in this area, and has begun the process of cleaning up, re-organizing, and getting the area map back into tip top shape!