Texas View history

NOTICE (4/15/2017): This page is now part of the the South Central Region harmonized Wazeopedia page. This page is limited to Texas-specific information referenced from the SCR main page. Please reference that page first.

Welcome to the Texas Wazeopedia. Below you will find information related to editing for Waze in Texas that is not covered in the main South Central Region Wazeopedia article, which includes the states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Roads in Texas

Major construction projects in Texas

See TxDot for a list of LONG TERM road closures & changes to traffic flow that impact the Waze map.

If you are aware or made aware of any long term closures (construction, work closures and emergency closures), please fill out this form. Your submission will be reviewed by US Champs and submitted to the Waze team upon approval.

I-35 (Austin to DFW)

SH-121 / SH-114 / SH-360 / I-635 Grapevine (DFW Connector)

Primary DFW Connector construction is complete, but more improvements to the connector are still in progress including the I-635 / SH-121 / SH-26 / FM 2499 interchange upgrades.

DFW Connector Main Page

DFW Connector - Lane Closures

Functional Classification of Roads

See Road names/USA and Road types/USA.

The South Central Region participates in functional classification across all states. We promote a hybrid FC to ensure for the best routing possible for all Wazers. The hybrid FC basically means a state highway would never be typed less than Minor Highway (mH).

FC Maps for Texas

Use the appropriate link below to access the Functional Classification map for the state you are working in. Once you have reviewed the map, then refer to the FC cross reference chart below to determine what road type and lock level should be assigned to the roads in the area. For roads that need to be locked at a higher level than you are able, change the street to the correct type, then request a lock from a higher-level editor.


FC Cross Reference

Refer to this chart to determine the road type of a given paved public road based on the functional class.

To use this chart, first determine the functional class of a road, and whether it is a signed, numbered highway in a particular highway system.

Where the column for the road's highway system and the row for the road's functional class meet, you will find the proper road type for that particular road.

A number of examples are given below the chart.

Highway Systems
Interstate Interstate BUS/LOOP


US Hwy (incl. some special routes) US Hwy BUS, SPUR, LOOP State Hwy (incl. some special routes) State Hwy BUS, SPUR[a], LOOP, Frontage Rd FM/RM, County Route Locally-maintained
example I-10 E I-94 BUS US-190 US-460 BUS SH-23 SH-400 LOOP FM 40 / CR-15 Robertson St

Interstate[b]  Fw  n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Other Freeway[c] n/a  Fw   Fw   Fw   Fw   Fw   Fw   Fw 
Other Expressway[d] n/a  Major   Major   Major   Major   Major   Major   Major 
Other Principal Arterial[e] n/a  Major   Major   Major   Major   Major   Major   Major 
Minor Arterial[f] n/a  Major   Major   Minor   Minor   Minor   Minor   Minor 
Major Collector n/a  Major   Major   Minor   Minor   PS   PS   PS 
Minor Collector n/a  Major   Major   Minor   Minor   PS   PS   PS 
Local/not mapped n/a  Major   Major   Minor   Minor   PS   Street   Street 

^a When a state highway "SPUR" route is used to connect a state highway with another state highway, a US highway, or an Interstate (i.e., when it is used as a connector/CONN route), use the first state highway column.

^b Also known as Principal Arterial - Interstate.

^c Also known as Principal Arterial - Freeway.

^d Also known as Principal Arterial - Expressway.

^e Also known as Principal Arterial.

^f Also known as Other Arterial.

For example,

  • An Interstate Business Loop classified as a Minor Arterial is a  Major Highway .
  • A US Highway classified as a Minor Arterial is a  Major Highway .
  • A US Highway Spur route classified as a Minor Arterial is a  Minor Highway .
  • A State Highway classified as an Other Freeway is a  Freeway .
  • A State Highway classified as a Collector is a  Minor Highway .
  • A County Route classified as a Minor Arterial is a  Minor Highway .
  • A County Route classified as a Collector is a  Primary Street 
  • A locally-maintained road classified as an Other Principal Arterial is a  Major Highway .
  • A locally-maintained road classified as a Collector is a  Primary Street .
 Fw   Freeway 
 Major   Major Highway 
 Minor   Minor Highway 
 PS   Primary Street 
 Street   Street 

FC issues on State Maps

If you find any issues where FC changes unexpectedly such as in the image (the small section of green in between 2 red sections), please let the Regional Coordinator (RC) know exactly where this is located, so the appropriate DOT can be notified.

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Mapping Links

GIS Links

Active Editors in Texas

Country Managers (South Central Region)
Username Role Comments Editing Since
karlcr9911 (6) [PM] Regional Coordinator - South Central Region, Global Champ Based in East TX 2013-08-23
sketch (6) [PM] Assistant Regional Coordinator - South Central Region, Global Champ Based in New Orleans 2009-08-08
jm6087 (6) [PM] Local Champ, Country Manager, SM - Texas Based in Texas 2015-06-17
dfw_gis (5) [PM] Country Manager, SM - Texas Based in DFW 2015-10-01
dspille (5) [PM] Country Manager, SM - Texas Based in Texas 2016-03-12
State Managers (Texas)
Username State Managed Comments Editing Since
tcalvert317 (5) [PM] Texas (MSM) Based in San Antonio 2013-01-29
juliansean (5) [PM] Texas (MSM) Based in Houston 2016-07-03
jangliss (5) [PM] Texas (MSM) Based in DFW 2011-01-27
Area Managers (Texas)
Username Areas Managed Comments Editing Since
johnseab (5) [PM] AM DFW Based in DFW 2014-09-15
kjg53 (5) [PM] AM Houston MSA/Austin/Nacogdoches Based in Houston area 2014-10-23
jimbobaggins1966 (5) [PM] AM Houston south to Gulf Coast and Austin Based in Houston area 2015-09-10
Dude495 (5) [PM] AM Austin Based in Austin area 2014-02-22
watchout4others (3) [PM] AM DFW/mid-Gulf Coast Area Based in DFW 2016-02-25
FTWMikeC (4) [PM] AM Tarrant County Based in DFW 2016-10-30
jalondon628 (4) [PM] AM Wichita Falls, Edit in the DFW area Based in DFW 2017-03-07
CrazyKillerDude (2) [PM] AM East Texas Based in Kilgore 2018-04-17

If you are an active editor in Texas or a USA Country Manager that does a lot of work in Texas, please ask to be added.