User:Rebeltj View history

Revision as of 04:15, 10 September 2019 by Rebeltj (talk | contribs) (Added a list of scripts that I use and started propagating links to wiki/forum posts about those scripts)
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Primary Area: North Central IL and South Central Wisconsin

Occupation: Professional Driver

Because of my profession, I may be seen in various areas of NA but will ask/introduce myself in areas outside of my home area.

Scripts that I use with WME:

  1. WME Place Harmonizer
  2. WME Route Checker
  3. WME GIS Layers
  4. WME Place Interface Enhancements
  5. WME US Government Boundaries
  6. WME Route Speeds (MapOMatic fork)
  7. WME Validator
  8. WME Bookmarks
  9. WME MagicWand
  10. Waze Map Editor - Magic
  11. WME ClickSaver
  12. WME HN NavPoints
  13. WME Speedlimits
  14. WME URComments-Enhanced
  15. WME Chat addon
  16. WME BackEnd Data
  17. WME HardHats
  18. WME Wazebar
  19. WME GIS Buttons
  20. WME State DOT Reports
  21. WME RA Util