Carpool, HOV, Transit lanes View history

Revision as of 13:07, 22 May 2018 by Subs5 (talk | contribs) (Removed A-B/ B-A direction bug warning since WME fixed)

Carpool lanes, High-occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes, and Transit lanes are road lanes reserved for vehicles meeting special requirements, either carrying at least a specific number of passengers more than the driver, or being a specific vehicle type. The number of required passengers in the vehicle can vary depending on the specific road.

Although currently Waze does not support the requirements of routing over these types of lanes in the production app, there is testing going on so the restrictions are available in WME Production.

Supporting these lanes is a priority for Waze, and they are aware of the problems caused by such lanes.

High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV)

The HOV and toll transponders feature was put into production in the USA in the first week of December, 2017. As of December 2017 many wazers are not yet aware of this feature. Users can read more at the Waze Help HOV and Express Lane page


Waze has HOV routing! This feature puts Waze out in front of the other navigation systems, but we need to know how to properly configure the map for a great user routing experience. There are a lot of considerations for getting all the options properly included; warnings about bugs and some not so obvious requirements are discussed (ex. allowable restrictions need to cover all toll free restrictions). If you have questions, then please reach out to your State Manager or Regional Coordinator and we’ll get you some help.



HOV – High Occupancy Vehicle. Has more than one person in the vehicle. It is often posted with a number after the acronym; HOV-2 or HOV2+. The number specifies the number of people to meet the HOV requirements; ex. HOV-3 means that three or more people need to be in the vehicle.


HOT – High Occupancy Toll. This is a combination of toll road and HOV. Sometimes called “Lexus Lanes” since people can buy their way onto roads with less congestion. Electronic toll roads often require a special transponder set to HOV mode, when there are enough people in the car in order to drive toll-free. The transponder then broadcasts that the car meets the HOV requirements so that a toll is not charged.

Express Lanes

Express Lanes – There are three main types of Express Lanes on the interstate system. They can either be HOT lanes, lanes that have limited entrances/exits, or toll roads to speed people willing to pay. This wiki section will just deal with the HOT type of Express Lanes and the segments should follow the guidance for HOT below. Express Lanes that have limited entrances/exits are just mapped as normal freeways. Express Lanes that are just toll roads and don't have different HOV rates are just mapped as a toll road freeway.

Clean Air Vehicle

Clean Air Vehicles – future feature These vehicles meet the requirements for low emissions for the state that the person is operating the vehicle. The vehicles are normally either a hybrid or electric or natural gas vehicle. Note some states require special permits or license plates to qualify. States that have a decal to allow holders to use HOV lanes should be listed in the Transponder/Pass list.

Toll attribute

The toll attribute has moved from under the road segment name to the first popup page of a Time Based Segment Restriction (TBSR). It is in the bottom left corner of the first TBSR popup window.

Mark a road segment as a toll segment only if the segment has a toll booth, transponder reader, or other tolling device and if no vehicles travel as toll free on that segment. See Toll road for additional information.

There are two ways to mark toll:

  1. Toll attribute in bottom left corner of the first TBSR popup window
  2. Toll free restriction is enabled in second TBSR popup window
Note if there is not a restriction then [[ Add restrictions| Add restrictions]]
is shown; if there are TBSRs, then [[ Edit restrictions (#)| Edit restrictions (#)]]
is shown.
  • Once a segment is marked as having the toll attribute on the first TBSR popup window, the toll attribute is displayed under the road segment name. You have to go to the TBSR to deselect the attribute.
  • If at least one restriction is marked toll free, then it is assumed that all other vehicles not meeting the toll free requirements have to pay a toll.
Note the toll attribute is not shown on the segment if toll free is selected, but it is assumed that there is a toll for the other vehicles.

Next to carpool/HOV/bus lane attribute

  • The Next to carpool/HOV/bus lane attribute is a check box that is used for designating roads that are close to the HOV lane so that Waze’s algorithm can differentiate between the varying speeds
  • The Next to carpool/HOV/bus lane attribute is under the road type selection when a segment is selected
  • DO NOT SELECT this attribute on the actual HOV road segments. Especially for road segments that have regular and HOV lanes on the same segment. (i.e. the segment has HOV in left or right lane.)
  • Select the Next to carpool/HOV/bus lane attribute on all parallel road segments going the same direction as the HOV traffic.
Note for reversible HOV lanes there may be road segments on both sides of the HOV lane that require the Next to carpool/HOV/bus lane attribute to be checked.

Toll transponders/passes/permits supported

The following is a list of all toll transponder companies, passes, permits, and special license plates supported by Waze. By default they are only displayed in their assigned states in the client, and they are listed alphabetically.

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How to map HOV lane segments

There are four types of HOV lanes

  1. Dashed line separation HOV - HOV lane that is part of the road and can be accessed or exited at any time
  2. Solid/double solid line HOV - HOV lane that is part of the road but can only be accessed or exited at certain places
  3. Separate parallel segment HOV - HOV lane that is physically separated from the rest of the road by a wall, concrete barrier, flexible barrier, or land; only accessed from ramp segments other than initial entrance or final exit.
  4. Whole road HOV - HOV is entire road and there is no parallel path for non-HOV drivers

Mapping road segments and ramps

  • All non-ramp road segments connecting HOV alternatives to their non-hov counterparts need to be marked with at least one HOV restriction. The only requirement is that the restriction has an assigned "lane type" (Entire segment/Right/Center/Left), and label. Make sure the second part of the line has the appropriate HOV/HOT/Express/etc label.
  • Ramp segments can be marked with HOV restrictions. This helps to cover some mistakes in labeling, so it should be done as a good practice. Since the prohibition for trucks and vehicles towing a trailer can not be added to the main line segments, these prohibited restrictions can be set for the ramp going to the HOV lanes. Enter the "Entire segment", and make sure the second part of the line has the appropriate HOV/HOT/Express/etc label.

Enter/exit anywhere HOV

  • HOV lanes that can be accessed or exited the entire time since drivers can cross the dashed line (or some areas a single solid white line) separations at any time. Usually the lane will be marked with the white diamond painted on the roadway and have regulatory signs on the shoulder. Example is US-95 HOV in Las Vegas, NV.

Bottom line up front - The HOV lane is mapped on the same segment(s) as the regular lanes.

Remember DO NOT mark any road segment(s) with HOV lane(s) using the 'Next to carpool/HOV/bus lane' attribute.
  1. Map the applicable road segment(s) for the road
  2. The road segments for a dashed line separation HOV look the same as a road without HOV.
  3. HOV restrictions are added per the restrictions section below

Limited enter/exit (transition zone) HOV

Separated by solid or double solid lines from the normal lanes with periodic transition zones. Non-HOV travel is available on an adjacent parallel path (lane or segment).

Note for areas where it is legal to cross the single solid white line refer to Enter/exit anywhere HOV section above.
If all of the highway entrances and exits are accessible to the HOV lane, then there is no functional difference to the routing that these lanes have restricted access. You should also map this type of HOV using simple lane restrictions on a single set of segments as is done with Enter/exit anywhere HOV lanes.

Waze will only route on this road if the person acknowledges that they meet the HOV requirement for this trip. When HOV routes are available they will see this display.

The user then would select a route that designates how many passengers are required.

Bottom line up front: separate road segment(s) for the HOV with transition zone to/from regular lanes using ramps

  1. Map the applicable regular lane road segments
  2. Map parallel road segments for HOV lanes that have transition zones with the regular lanes
  3. HOV restrictions are added per the restrictions section below
  4. Add ramps for the transition zone as follows:
  • Add a set of entrance/exit ramps to make a V at the entrance to HOV lanes
    • Add a ramp coming from the regular lanes to the start of the transition zone (Prompts user to enter the HOV lane).
      Ramp should have an approximate angle of 20-30° and flow traffic into the HOV lane at the start of the transition zone (start of dashed white lines).
      The ramp should have no name, unless there is a BGS with additional information other than the road name, restrictions, and transponders.
    • Add an exit transition ramp from the start of the transition zone (Prompts user to exit HOV lane either for upcoming exit or if traffic is faster in regular lanes).
      The ramp should originate at the start of the transition zone and have an approximate angle of 20-30° leading back onto the regular lanes.
      The ramp should have no name, unless there is a BGS with additional information other than the road name, restrictions, and transponders.
  • Only if the zone is over 0.5 miles (805 meters) long; Add another set of entrance/exit ramps following the above style to make a V at the end of the transition zone.
    • Add a ramp from the regular lanes flowing into the HOV lane at the end of the transition zone (Prompts user to enter the HOV lane).
    • Add a ramp from the HOV lane at the end of the transition zone, flowing into the regular lanes (Prompts user to exit HOV lane either for upcoming exit or if traffic is faster in regular lanes).
  • For a very long transition zone, other set(s) of entrance/exit ramps to make a V can be added every 0.5 miles/xxxx meters

Separate parallel segment HOV

HOV only on the separate road segment; separated by a physical distance from the normal lanes (ex. land, curbs, shoulders), a concrete barrier, or a flexible barrier from the normal lanes. Non-HOV travel is available on an adjacent parallel path (lane or segment). Waze will only route on this road if the person acknowledges that they meet the HOV requirement (and transponder if required) for this trip. Example is I-395 by the Pentagon (Arlington, VA).

Bottom line up front: separate road segment(s) for separate parallel HOV

Follow the general guidance above for Limited enter/exit (transition zone) HOV lanes as applicable:

  1. Map the applicable regular lane road segments
  2. Map parallel road segments for HOV lanes
  3. Add applicable entrance and exit ramps
  4. HOV restrictions are added per the restrictions section below

Whole road HOV

All travel is HOV only on the road. Non-HOV travel is not available on an adjacent parallel path (lane or segment). Waze will only route on this road if the person acknowledges that they meet the HOV requirement (and transponder if required) for this trip. There are not very many implementations of this type of set up. Example is I-66 inside the beltway in Northern Virginia; morning rush hour traffic is HOV-2+ only for eastbound traffic.

Bottom line up front: separate road segment(s) for whole road HOV

  1. Map the applicable road segment(s) for the road
  2. The road segments for a whole road HOV look the same as a road without HOV.
  3. HOV restrictions are added per the restrictions section below

Entering HOV restrictions

Note - ALL segments need to have the HOV/HOT/Express restrictions marked. This is required for the HOV algorithm to work. Do not just mark the entrance segment. Follow current guidance for mapping toll segments only where there is a toll booth, toll transponder, or other collection device. If there is any toll free travel then ALL segments need the toll free restriction. The HOV/HOT/Express/Bus/etc will be used for voice prompts in the app soon. It is best to have them all the same; make sure that none is not inadvertently selected since that will adversely affect routing.
Note Restrictions for Toll free/Allowed/Prohibited are treated as AND conditions when comparing the separate lines on the first popup window. Within in a single restriction type on the second popup window, the various restrictions are treated as OR conditions. So saying that private vehicles with HOV-2+ and taxis are allowed will route either type of vehicle IF in the same restriction (on the second popup window). If they are entered as two separate restrictions on the first popup window then nothing will be routed since you have to simultaneously be both a private vehicle with HOV-2+ and a taxi; this is not possible.

If something is an allowed restriction then only that type of condition(s) can pass on the road, all others are considered to be prohibited

Do not use conflicting restrictions - ex all vehicles with Sunpass are allowed but taxis are prohibited. A taxi can have a Sunpass and the algorithm is not set up to have a preference or hierarchy yet, so improper routing can happen.

Segment speed tracking

As part of the HOV/Express Lane process, Waze computes a maximum of two separate road speeds per segment during the user drive evaluation process[1]: the "entire segment" speed and up to one single-lane speed. While the Waze editor interface allows the addition of multiple single-lane restrictions (e.g., HOV left lane, regular traffic center lane, and Bus right lane), the user drive evaluation process does not support three different speeds on a single segment. Therefore, do not add more than one single-lane restriction on any segment.

Speed measurements are normally gathered per lane, not per vehicle or restriction type[1]—for example, an HOT or Express road segment allowing both toll free and tolled traffic in the same lane gathers only one set of average speed data (instead of keeping separate times for private vehicle, taxi, electric vehicle, etc.). This makes sense, as vehicles in the lane are traveling together as a single pack. In other words, the complexity of restrictions in a single lane does not matter—as long as only one single-lane restriction set is used, speed data will be collected properly.

  1. 1.0 1.1 With one exception: a separate set of speed data is kept for the motorcycle vehicle type.

Enter/exit anywhere HOV

To mark a segment for HOV use including the required number of passengers:

  1. Select the applicable road segment(s), see Warning above
  2. Click the [[ Add restrictions| Add restrictions]]
button in the sidebar, and receive the first restriction popup.
  1. If no toll is required for the segment, then skip to step 5
  2. If a toll is required for all vehicles including HOV vehicles, then select the toll attribute in bottom left corner (ex. I-93 N's HOV / Express to Airport / S Station in Boston, MA),
  3. Click the Add new
button at the bottom of the appropriate direction (A>B, B>A, or TWO WAY) on the popup screen.
  1. Second restriction popup screen appears.
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  2. Select appropriate Left lane/Center lane/Right lane in the Applies to section.
  3. Select HOV in the Applies to section. If locals call the lane one of the other options, then use that HOT/Express/Bus/etc, but one must be used and it should be consistent for the run of the road. May transition to another type if HOV changes to Express
  4. Select appropriate Days HOV restrictions apply
  5. Select appropriate Hours for time-based HOV or leave all day checked for 24-hr HOV lanes
  6. Ensure Every week is selected for normal use; Note Range can be used for planned time shifts between summer/winter or for holiday changes particularly on reversible segments
  7. Driving is _____ for
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  8. Select allowed for HOV vehicles
  9. Click the  + 

on the green add rule banner and a drop down menu will appear

  1. Select Minimum passengers from the menu
  2. Default HOV allowance of At least 2 passengers appears
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  3. If more passengers are required to meet the HOV eligibility, then click the At least 2 passengers
and select the appropriate number from a drop down menu that appears (At least 3 passengers or At least 4 passengers)
  1. If a transponder or tag is required to use the HOV for either certifying the appropriate number of people are present or to pay the toll, click the  + 
while remaining on the same restriction line and select Requires a pass
  1. Default transponder of Alabama Freedom Pass is added to the restriction line
  2. If another transponder is required, then click Alabama Freedom Pass
and a drop down menu will appear with available companies, and passes
  1. Select the applicable transponder, pass, or permit
  2. If a particular vehicle type is required to use the HOV lane, then click the  + 
while remaining on the same restriction line and select Vehicle type.
  1. Default vehicle type Private is added to the restriction line
  2. If another type is required, then click Private
and a drop down menu will appear with available vehicle types
  1. Select the applicable vehicle type
Note only private vehicle, taxi, motorcycle, and electric are currently available selections in the app as of February 2018; you can add other allowed vehicle types bus, public transportation, etc for future compatibility. Waze Staff states that prohibited rules (eg for vehicle types) should not be added as a restriction if they may conflict with an allowed rule until we are notified that the programming is changed to handle such conflicts.
  1. Click the [[Add|Add]]
button in bottom right corner
  1. Repeat for any additional HOV restrictions required for the segment(s) selected
  2. If the HOV lane is open to all traffic for the rest of day, then no other time restrictions are required (traffic travels in the same direction rest of the day)
  3. If a reversible segment, then
    • Add the appropriate time restrictions for when the original direction is closed
    • Select "prohibited" in Driving is _____ for, and leave "Any vehicle" selected:
      Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
    • Add the appropriate HOV restrictions for the opposite direction as explained above at the end of the Enter/exit anywhere HOV section.
    • Add the appropriate time restrictions for when the opposite direction is closed
    • While entering restrictions, remember there is often a transition time gap between traffic direction reversals to prevent collisions
  4. Click the Save
icon on the grey Waze bar
Note be sure to add the Driving is Prohibited period(s) if a reversible lane does not allow traffic to prevent misrouting.

Limited enter/exit (transition zone) HOV / Separate segment HOV / Whole road HOV

To mark a segment for HOV use including the required number of passengers:

  1. Select the applicable road segment(s)
  2. Click the [[ Add restrictions| Add restrictions]]
  1. First restriction popup screen appears
  2. If no toll is required for HOV, then skip to step 6
  3. If a toll is required for HOV vehicles, then select the toll attribute in bottom left corner (ex. I-93 N's HOV / Express to Airport / S Station in Boston, MA)
  4. Select the appropriate direction (A>B, B>A, or TWO WAY) on the popup screen
  5. Click the [[Apply|Apply]]
button in the bottom right corner
  1. Second restriction popup screen appears
  2. Select Entire segment in the Applies to section
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  3. Select HOV in the Applies to section
  4. Select appropriate Days, Hours, and Every week [Note can enter a date range, but probably not used for HOV]
  5. Driving is _____ for
  6. If toll attribute is already selected, then skip to step 16
  7. Remember toll attribute must not be selected to be able to properly save a toll free TBSR
  8. Select toll free if free for HOV vehicles, restriction's background color should change to blue
  9. Select Minimum passengers by clicking the  + 

on the blue add restriction banner and a drop down menu will appear

  1. At least 2 passengers is added
  2. Select number of passengers required by clicking the At least 2 passengers

and a drop down menu will appear with selections for At least 3 / 4 passengers

  1. If toll free, then skip to step 24
  2. Click the  + 
again while remaining on the same restriction as the number of passengers to  select Requires a pass
  1. Alabama Freedom Pass is added to the restriction line
  2. Click the Alabama Freedom Pass

area, and a drop down menu will appear with available companies, passes, and permits

  1. Select the applicable transponder / pass
  2. Click [[Add|Add]]
button in bottom right corner
  1. Click the Save
icon on the grey Waze bar
  1. If HOV lane is only for part of the day, Open to all rest/part of day, or Reversible lane then set appropriate prohibited restriction(s)
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  2. Make sure one restriction period is added for the segment(s) then add additional restrictions till all appropriate times are added for one direction
  3. If a reversible segment, then add the appropriate time and restrictions for the opposite direction
Note be sure to add the Driving is Prohibited period(s) if a reversible lane does not allow traffic to prevent misrouting.

Entering HOT/Express lane restrictions (HOV or toll allowed)

Enter/exit anywhere HOT/Express lanes

This type of configuration only occurs at the start or finish of the HOT/Express lanes. No restriction is required.

Reason for not having dashed line separation in the middle of the HOT/Express lane segments is that there is no way of charging a toll to the non-HOV compliant vehicles.

Limited enter/exit (transition zone) HOT/Express lane / Separate parallel segment HOT/Express lane / Whole road HOT/Express lane

Normally the HOV vehicle is allowed to use the lane for free while other vehicles have to pay a toll. The toll rate can be variable with surge pricing to control the number of vehicles that are not HOV on the road. Therefore this is setting up or statements. A vehicle can use the road for free if meeting the HOV requirements or the vehicle has to pay a toll.

Where to mark toll free / toll segments
  1. Mark a road segment with a toll free restriction along the entire path of toll free travel; this is required for it to work properly
  2. Marking a segment as toll free makes the segment act as a toll for all other users (even though toll attribute is not checked)
  3. Do not mark the toll attribute; which would prohibit adding a toll free restriction
  4. If the HOV has to pay a toll then only select the toll attribute on the segments with a toll booth or transponder; other segments are not marked.
Adding HOT/Express lane restrictions
  1. Select a segment that has a toll booth, transponder reader, or other tolling device
  2. Do not select a segment with the final toll booth, transponder reader, or other tolling device, unless at least one route does not have one previously marked
  3. Select [[ Add restrictions| Add restrictions]]
(Time Based Segment Restrictions) on the left panel when the segment is selected 
  1. Do not check the toll road attribute in the bottom left corner of the popup box; this prevents having toll free restrictions
  2. Select the appropriate direction (A>B, B>A, or TWO WAY) on the popup screen
  3. Click the add new button under the direction of the restriction
  4. Second restriction popup screen appears
  5. Select Entire segment and HOT in the Applies to section
  6. Select toll free on the Driving is ____ for section
  7. Select Minimum passengers by clicking the + on the blue add restriction banner and a drop down menu will appear
  8. At least 2 passengers is added
  9. Select number of passengers required by clicking the At least 2 passengers and a drop down menu will appear with selections for At least 3 (4) passengers
  10. Select Requires a pass by clicking the + on the blue add restriction banner and a drop down menu will appear
  11. Select applicable transponder company by clicking the Alabama Freedom Pass and a drop down menu will appear with all available companies
  12. Click Add button in bottom right corner
  13. Add the toll for other vehicles on this segment
  14. Select the appropriate direction (A>B, B>A, or TWO WAY) on the popup screen
  15. Click the add new button under the direction of the restriction
  16. Second restriction popup screen appears
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  17. Select Entire segment and HOT in the Applies to section
  18. Select Allowed on the Driving is ____ for section
  19. Note ALL vehicles that are Toll free MUST be listed in the Allowed section too, if there are any allowed restrictions. Example if HOV-2+ with a transponder is toll free and same transponder is tolled, then an Allowed restriction for the transponder is sufficient. Vehicles that are not listed in the Allowed section will not be routed onto the segment even if listed in a Toll free restriction, unless all vehicles are allowed (such as pay by plate, video tolling, or cash).
  20. If all vehicles are allowed, then an allowed restriction is not required, the appropriate vehicles will be routed as toll free based on those restrictions and all other vehicles will be tolled.
  21. Select Requires a pass by clicking the + on the green add restriction banner and a drop down menu will appear
  22. Select applicable transponder company by clicking the Alabama Freedom Pass and a drop down menu will appear with all available companies
  23. Click Add button in bottom right corner
  24. Click the Save
icon on the grey Waze bar
  1. If HOT lane is only for part of the day, Open to all rest/part of day, or Reversible lane then set appropriate prohibited restriction(s)
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  2. Make sure one restriction period is added for the segment(s) then add additional restrictions till all appropriate times are added for one direction
  3. Make sure you restrict the applicable vehicle types that are not allowed; example trucks or vehicle pulling a trailer. If selection of a truck vehicle type is allowed as a future feature and there is an allowable restriction for any vehicle with a certain transponder then a truck with that transponder would be routed improperly.
  4. If a reversible segment, then add the appropriate time and restrictions for the opposite direction
Note be sure to add the Driving is Prohibited period(s) if a reversible lane does not allow traffic to prevent misrouting.