When managing a section of roadway under construction or being closed for a major event, follow the Wiki guidelines on construction zones and Real-time closures. Construction Project or Emergencies that cause roads to be closed can be reported in the WV Discord. You will need to have a PL to the segment(s) that need closed, the start time and the end time, and the reason for the closure.
Or, construction projects or emergencies that cause roads to be closed should be reported on this [Form] or by using the WV [Script]. Events that cause road closures should be reported on this Event Form. Current closures and events in West Virginia that have been reported to Waze are shown in the [BQKF bYdW1aYLwFbcglCA-Q|West Virginia Closure Sheet].
See West Virginia/Closures for Information Sources for Road Closures
WV Closure Tracking
Below you will find the google form and google sheet currently being used to track closures in West Virginia. The form is for use by anyone and feeds the sheet. The sheet is used by those that can do the closures.
WV Closures Entry Form Below is the google sheet currently being used to track closures in West Virginia.
WV Closures Sheet (link)
Below is a Form Filler Script created by crazycaveman and kwrigh01. It saves a lot of time for the people adding closures to the sheet. You will need tampermonkey in order to install the script.
Form Filler Script (link)
WME tips, short cuts, etc
To select all segments between two other segments, first select a segment, then use alt+click to select a second segment. The editor will add to the selection group the segments in-between the first and second segments, based mostly on the street name, but also on simple straight lines. Important Be sure to check and make sure the proper segments are selected before making closures or submitting PL for processing of closures. Google sheet tips, short cuts, etc
To change the view and only see a certain condition Click on (Data) then (Filter views) then choose the one you want from the choices on the far right.
This is the Permalink to the closure with the layers stripped out.
Updating the time checked in Column G "LAST CHECKED TIME" is as simple as changing the name (Has to be a name change) in Column H "LAST CHECKED BY" or typing something in Column E (ie I usually just type the number 1). It should automatically update to the current time.
Are not editable as they are derived data. If the closure date/time needs extended please edit the date/time in Column T
WME Suggestions
Do not make any edits to a segment that will force a change of the segment id. If the segment id changes you will need to wait for a tile update before you can add a closure to the segment. For extremely long sections of segments please provide the beginning and ending segments. The editor doing the closure will fill in the between segments. Zoom Levels... When creating a PL for a closure please be sure you are zoomed to at least Level 4 [100 M | 500 Ft]
US County Overlays
Important below you will find a county overlay script that will show the boundaries and place the county name in the upper left corner with the city/state. This is very important to use so that you can verify you are closing the correct road segment in the correct county. Some road names are used in more than one county.
WV Counties Overlay (
USGB Script: WME US Government Boundaries | 2018.02.27.001 | MapOMatic | |
Further information is Available in the Wazeo Tab of WV Closure Sheet