California/Special roads View history

Revision as of 03:44, 25 April 2017 by DwarfLord (talk | contribs) (Add California exception permitting use of "unpaved" checkbox for uncommonly poor paved roads.)
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Unpaved check box

The US wiki entry on the unpaved checkbox / attribute prohibits its use to flag paved roads regardless of their condition. The stated expectation is that drivers who ask to avoid unpaved roads will do so only to avoid unpaved surface types, and are not concerned with surface quality. It is thought that drivers will be upset if Waze avoids any paved roads in their area, even the very worst ones, as a result of their checking this option.

Our experience in California, however, has been the opposite. Drivers frequently complain about being routed over roads whose paving is so poor that even some fraction of locals habitually avoid them. We want to support these drivers. Consequently, in California it is acceptable to use the unpaved checkbox to flag paved roads if they are in uncommonly poor condition by local standards.

Paved roads whose condition is typical of the local area should not be marked as unpaved, no matter how poor they may be by absolute standards. Use of the unpaved checkbox for uncommonly poor paved roads should be rare. Please add a Map Comment point when doing so to inform other editors why the road was flagged, and consider locking the road higher than usual.

Other drivable roads

California follows USA guidance for other drivable road types.