WV Road Naming
Road names in West Virginia follow the nationwide Road Name guidance. Pay specific attention to the list of approved Abbreviations and acronyms, and when in doubt: "spell it out".
Road Names
In general, use the data you find first on this list as the primary name and all other names/numbers as alternates.
- Use SV to find BGS/LGS - if available, this is the primary name
- Use WVDOT data to find local name and route numbering (for the map raid, you’ll generally need the County Route information, CR-x or CR-x/y, but confirm higher named roads)
- WVDOT GIS: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/27965-wme-wv-gis-map (script by MapOMatic)
- WVDOT County Maps (PDF)
- County GIS maps (may be part of MoM’s script (?) or use the original GIS script to jump to each county)
- Parcel/lot information from County GIS sources or MoM's script
- USPS Address Search - check addresses and add as an alternate, as appropriate
- If data is only available from a single source, use it.
- If multiple sources conflict with a single source, use the road name confirmed by multiple sources and add the other names as alternates.
- Always include the name from the BGS/LGS and the name from parcel data.
- If an address is outside the bounds of a CDP, include the USPS City as an alternate.
WV Route Naming
West Virginia uses the WV-XXX format for all State Routes. For County Routes, CR-XX or CR-XX/YY is used. There are no Township Roads (TR-XXX) in West Virginia. In a few limited cases, there are special road names in use; if you see one, please do not delete it or ask a question first prior to deleting it. More detail and examples can be found here: WV Route Naming.