Great Lakes/GLR Roles View history


This page describes the editing roles that are possible to obtain in Waze editing, with a brief description of what the purpose for the role is as well as what prerequisites must be met, if any.


  • All this information in this page is specific to the Great Lakes Region (GLR). While it may be true other places as well, be sure to consult the local leadership for more information.
  • Note that editors can and will hold multiple roles on this page simultaneously. When promoted from R5 SM to R5 CM, the editor is granted R5 CM as an additional title in addition to all previous titles they have held previously.

State Level

Area Manager

  • Abbreviation: AM
  • Responsibilities: AMs manage a portion of the the map.
    • As a rough rule of thumb, it is typical to grant AM areas measured in hundreds of square miles
  • Prerequisites:
  • More Information: Area Manager wiki entry
  • Notes: As long as the editor retains their AM status, the AM area they are granted will not expire after 90 days the way normal editable area does.

Large Area Manager

  • Abbreviation: LAM
  • Responsibilities: As the name suggests, LAMs manage a much larger portion of the map than AMs.
    • As a rough rule of thumb, it is typical to grant LAM areas measured in thousands or tens of thousands of square miles
  • Prerequisites:
  • More Information: GLR forum post describing roles/responsibilities of LAMs

State Manager

Region Level

Assistant Regional Coordinator

Regional Coordinator

Country Level

Country Manager

  • Abbreviation: CM
  • Responsibilities: assist editing efforts nationwide
  • Prerequisites:
    • Editor Rank 5 (R5)
    • Editor must be an active State Manager in the region
    • The editor must have a Champ nominate them for consideration for CM by the full group of US Champs
    • Requires a simple majority (greater than 50%) of the Champs to vote in favor of the CM promotion
  • More Information: Country Manager wiki entry
  • Notes: CM is the top technical editing role in the United States. To be granted Country Manager status means the editor consistently demonstrates expert-level mastery of Waze editing.

Local Champ

  • Abbreviation: LC
  • Responsibilities: help inform national-level editing guidance and policy, serve as a liaison between Waze staff and the volunteer community of editors for the entire country
  • Prerequisites:
    • Editor Rank 5 (R5)
    • Editor must be an active Country Manager in the region
    • The editor must have a Champ nominate them for consideration for LC by the full group of US Champs
    • Requires a simple majority (greater than 50%) of the Champs to vote in favor of the LC promotion
  • More Information: Local Champs wiki entry

Global Level

Global Champ

  • Abbreviation: GC
  • Responsibilities: help inform world-side editing guidance and policy, serve as a liaison between Waze staff and the entire world's volunteer community of editors
  • Prerequisites:
    • Editor Rank 6 (R6)
    • Editor must be an active Local Champ
    • The editor must have a Global Champ nominate them for consideration for GC by the worldwide group of Global Champs and Waze staff
  • More Information: Global Champ wiki entry