Editing rank View history

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Editing Ranks

You can see your own editing rank next to your name on the top right corner of the page. If that is not visible, check a segment you have edited and your rank will show next to your username in the segment properties.

Rank Description Notes
-1 System, or Basemap import
0 New user
2 Area Manager

IGN editor

3 Over 50,000 edits

IGN editor

4 Over 100,000 edits
6 Waze admins

Editing permissions

Locked segments

When an editor locks a segment, it currently has two functions:

  1. Automatic adjustments
  2. Editing ability

Automatic adjustments

A locked segment will not be changed by GPS tracks both in terms of geometry and directionality.

Segment Editing ability

A locked segment cannot be changed by an editor of a rank lower than that of the locking editor, or the rank of the editor who last edited the segment. The rank is locked based on the last person to edit the segment, and not the user who created it.

You can edit segments based on your editing rank and Editable area. Once a segment is locked, only a user with the same (or higher) rank, or an Area Manager whose area includes that segment, can edit the segment again.

Speed cameras editing ability

The last person to edit the speed cam is basically locking it to his rank. A user with a lower rank will not be able to change / delete the camera, unless he is the owner of the camera or if it's in his area of management.

Locked junctions

A junction is considered to be locked when all segments which connect to that junction are locked.

Area Managers

Area Managers can override any locked segments, even if a segment is locked by an editor of higher rank

A growing list of Area Managers and their preferred contact details can be found here.

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