Assistant Regional Coordinator View history

Assistant Regional Coordinator (ARC) Role

Regional Coordinators (RCs) can assign a current Local Champ (LC) or Global Champ (GC) to be their support person with the consent of the US Champs. The ARC's primary goal is to assist with the RC duties, including but not limited to, AM application requests and reviews. The level of duties assigned to the ARC is the sole discretion of the RC with collaboration of the ARC. The RC assumes full responsibility for the actions of the ARC when the ARC is working on behalf of the RC. If the RC steps down or is removed, the ARC is not automatically replacing the RC. The ARC may apply for the role, along with any other qualified applicant, following the process for electing an RC. Often, RCs consult with their local SMs, CMs and LCs for advice and the ARC would also use that same process as necessary.


  • Work closely with his/her RC and divide up responsibilities between each other as they desire.
  • Act as a shadow of the RC with final decisions and responsibility held by the RC.
  • Process AM applications.
  • Direct communications with SMs.
  • Identify potential SMs and work with the RC to evaluate readiness.
  • Regional promotion suggestions to RC.
  • Block editors as required after receiving approval from the RC.
  • Act in a temporary role as the RC in the event the current RC steps down, until a new RC can be elected. The ARC may also apply to be considered for the RC role with other candidates.

ARC selection process

  • An ARC should be nominated by the respective RC.
  • An announcement of the nomination should be posted in the US Champ forum for an "objection/discussion" for one week.
  • If there are no objections at completion of this period, the nomination is approved with no further processing.
  • If there are objections, necessary discussions will be conducted in the US Champ forum and consensus must be established for each item of objection. Should this not be accomplished in the time period, the nomination would move to a vote requiring a simple majority of active US champs. Failure to pass would require a new ARC nomination.
  • The nominee will have full access to comments in the US Champ forum to defend themselves from any objection.