Nebraska/Major roads/Main View history

Revision as of 08:25, 4 June 2015 by DaJoNel (talk | contribs) (*/Major_roads/Main*/)

Locking standard

In Nebraska, we observe a minimum standard for locking roads based on segment type. Any road of a certain segment type must be locked at least to the rank listed in the chart below. Roads may be locked higher for protection and special situations (construction, confusing design, frequent mistakes, image inaccuracies, etc.), but should not be locked lower.

Nebraska Minimum Locking Ranks
Segment Type Rank
  Freeway  4
  Ramp  4
  Major Highway  4
  Minor Highway  3
  Primary Street  2
All Others 1

Although common practice is to limit editing freeways to rank 5 or higher, we have determined that the experience required to reach editing rank 4 is sufficient to gain the privilege of editing freeway segments.