Indiana/Closures/Main View history

Revision as of 22:03, 14 April 2015 by Roadtechie (talk | contribs) (*/Closures/Main*/)

Update Requests

An Update Request (UR) is a Map Issue reported by a user from the Waze client app. It is also a layer in the Map Editor. See update requests for more information.

Team UR Handling

In Indiana, we generally work as a team. URs are not owned by the first responder. If another editor has first hand knowledge of the issue and can make the necessary corrections to the map to solve the reported issue, they are free to do so. Editors must comment on a UR when closing them, even if the editor is the original reporter.

When a UR does not contain enough information or the fix is not obvious, Indiana has adopted the 1/4/8 system for response to Update Requests. 1/4/8 is the short way of explaining the following.

Day 1

Within 24 hours (1 day) after an Update Request has been submitted, an editor should provide a response to the Update Request to get the process started. This starts a seven day clock.

Day 4

If the reporter has not commented after 3 days (4 days since initial comment) a message should be sent reminding the reporter that we need more information about the problem they encountered to fix the issue.


"Just a reminder: We have not received a response on your report. If we don't hear back from you soon we will infer everything is okay and close the report. Thanks!"

Day 8

If the reporter still has not commented after 4 more days (8 days since initial comment) a message should be sent telling the reporter that we were unable to fix the problem and this report is being closed. The Update Request then needs to be closed as Not Identified.


"The problem was unclear and volunteers didn't receive a response so we are closing this report. As you travel, please feel welcome to report any map issues you encounter. Thanks!"

Old User Reports

The 1/4/8 rule has been very successful in our busy areas with editors maintaining them. There are some areas outside of our reach and occasionally as we venture off the beaten path, we come across a report that has been there for quite some time. We feel these reports are as valid as the reports opened yesterday and they should be given the same courtesy of response as new reports. Give the reporter a chance to respond and try to recruit a new editor at the same time!


"Sorry for the delay - we need some Wazers to help out in this area! See"

If they let you know too much time has passed and they do not recall the issue, it can be closed if the problem can not be spotted. If the user does not respond, use the 1/4/8 rule.