Scripts/WME Toolbox/Configuration Panel View history

Revision as of 19:33, 6 February 2015 by Davielde (talk | contribs) (Initial)
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WME Toolbox: Configuration Panel

The configuration panel (CP) provides a number of options to customize an editor's experience with Toolbox. By changing the toolbar and adjusting other settings, users can make Toolbox better suit their needs.




  • Hide user greetings removes the "Hey [editor name]" from the left sidebar.
  • Force full screen provides more map space by hiding the WME header. This is the same has using Shift+F in WME.
  • Activate popups
  • Force arrows to be selectable after loading

Snapping control

  • Snap distance

Check forum inbox

  • Frequency

Places options

  • Show point places at zoom 3+ instead of 5+

Toolbox features to display in toolbar

  • Keyboard shortcuts editor
  • Select segments
  • Select places
  • Measurement tool (in beta testing)
  • Properties editor
  • Copy segment attributes
  • Clear road geometry
  • Cut segment
  • Select all roundabout segments
  • Redo roundabout
  • Convert roundabout to standard road
  • Draw roundabout area place
  • Select in area place
  • Suppress unneeded junctions
  • Suppress unneeded geometry
  • Delete expired restrictions
  • Auto add node to loops
  • Auto fix unconfirmed turns
  • Select non freeway/ramp segments with toll attribute
  • Auto fix reverse connections, dead-end and unterminated roads
  • Auto fix u-turns

External permalinks to display in toolbar

  • Waze live map
  • Waze beta/prod editor

Toolbox highlights options

  • Display elevation values with < or > ground highlight

Mini-map options

  • Re-center WME when panning mini-map
  • Re-center mini-map when panning WME