National Park Service View history

This page is an incomplete draft and is in progress. Please contact Vectorspace if you have any questions during the construction. Last update 23Feb14


The National Park Service (NPS) is part of the Department of the Interior and is responsible for care and operation of more than 400 sites. NPS has an overlap of responsibility with local communities, Indian Tribes, and other entities. With 275 million visitors per year, Wazers are going to be visiting these locations.

Waze and National Park Service

Creating accurate and properly represented NPS landmarks and roads:

  • Benefit large numbers of tourists and recreational users of NPS faculties,
  • Allow Wazers to more quickly find important landmarks, such as campgrounds, ...

Editing Resources

NPS - Find a Park

The Find A Park page on the NPS website allows you to quick find park-specific resource through a series of interactive maps. Each park web page may have information on landmarks and roads that are important for Wazers visiting these sites.

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