Vermont/Major roads/Main View history

Highway Numbering

Vermont currently observes the following Standardized Name nomenclature for Numbered Routes:

Road Type Standardized Name
Freeway I-###
US Highway US-###
State Highway VT-###
Town Highway TH-###

State Highway numbering includes alternate state roads (e.g. VT-67A).

State Highway Signage

Most state highways are maintained by VTrans. However, some state highways in the centers of municipalities are maintained by local governments (class 1 town highways). VTrans maps indicate where state and local maintenance begin and end and signage may differ on municipally maintained segments. Map editors should treat both types the same.

Vermont State Route signage (VTrans maintained)
Vermont State Route signage (locally maintained)

Road Elevations

These are the general guidelines for elevation in Vermont.

  • All segments by default should have an elevation of ground including railroad segments
  • Only segments that cannot see the sky should have negative elevation (i.e., tunnels)
  • Only set elevation as high as necessary
  • Elevation of overlapping segments should be set relative to each other, with the lowest segment as ground (unless a tunnel)
  • If you use the Bridge tool to join segments, be aware that it raises the elevation of the joined segment: lower the joined segment as appropriate

Locking roads

Vermont has adopted the New England Road Type Locking Standard.

Functional Classification

Functional Classification updates in Vermont have been completed. This will ensure a consistent, and better navigational experience to Wazers around the state and country. The general guidelines for implementation are in the Road types page. Any local deviations, and special information for Vermont will be listed below.


Vermont's Agency of transportation (VTRANS) has made a master Functional Classification map available online.

VTRANS GIS class and color description

GIS Legend
GIS Legend

The Vermont Classification and Color scheme comes from the official Functional Classification (FC) map that is published by VTRANS. The legend shows what classifications VTRANS uses and what color is assigned to each class.

VTrans to Waze Conversion Table

The numbers correspond to the FC type indicated on some VT maps. (e.g. Functional Class 7 road is a Major Collector)

Highway Systems
Interstate US Hwy (incl. some special routes) US Hwy BUS, SPUR, LOOP State Hwy (incl. some special routes) State Hwy BUS, SPUR[a], LOOP Locally-maintained
example>>>>> I-95 N US-2 US-460 Business SR-27 (SR-27A) SR-400 Loop Robertson St

  Principal Arterial Interstate (1,11)   Fw  n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
  Principal Arterial - Freeway (12)  n/a  Fw   Fw   Fw   Fw   Fw 
  Principal Arterial (2,14)  n/a  Major   Major   Major   Major   Major 
  Minor Arterial (6,16)  n/a  Major   Minor   Minor   Minor   Minor 
  Major Collector (7,17)  n/a  Major   Minor   Minor   PS   PS 
  Minor Collector (8)  n/a  Major   Minor   Minor   PS   PS 
 Local Road (9,19)  n/a  Major   Minor   Minor   PS   Street