Places details
Any Place - Point or Area - should contain as much information as possible. Places need at least one category (in the “General” Tab), but may belong to several others. Always choose the main category first. For example, a Gas Station may also be “Convenience Store”, “Car Wash”, and “Charging Station”. In the picture below you see an example from the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. If possible, provide name and address. The naming of a Place should be done in the formal language of the location where the place is situated. Use the official name of the Place. In bi-lingual areas, use the alternate name. The address is especially useful to guide Wazers to the Place. Add other important information, such as brand (service stations) and opening times. Beware not to use the Description field for notes to other editors. This field is visible in the Waze app, and should only contain details pertinent to the Place itself.