California/Map Raid LA/UR Guidance View history

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Los Angeles MapRaid UR & MP Guidance

As the LA MapRaid begins, the greater Los Angeles area has over 6,000 open Update Requests (URs) and over 500 Map Problems (MPs); some of the URs are older than 300 days. Investigating and responding to these URs and MPs will be a primary objective of the MapRaid teams. Therefore, this page was created to help guide teams through the maze of MPs and URs.

A couple of quick notes:

  • Please take your time and examine the situation carefully before proceeding. This is not a race, and there are no prizes for finishing first. Often, clusters or groups of URs can give a lot of detail about a problem, even if there is no text entered by the reporter.
  • Please be respectful of any URs in progress. Our local editors work hard, and would appreciate that any reports with activity within the last 7 days be considered “in progress” and should be handled with deference to the editor who started working them.

Map Problems

Many of the MPs in Los Angeles area, are automatic “Missing Road” reports. These can be triggered for a variety of reasons, but common causes are: missing parking lot roadways (PLRs) for corner businesses and fuel stations, odd intersection angles, and large numbers of U-turns at an intersection. Most of the odd angle and U-turn-caused Missing Road MPs should be closed as “Not Identified” with no further action needed. Also, in some of the mountainous areas, GPS or cell signal loss often causes a jump in the GPS track. These can also be dismissed as Not Identified. In general, use “Solved” only when a problem has been corrected on the map. As for locations where a missing PLR is causing an MP; use your best judgment consistent with the Waze principle of usability and simplicity. Do not hesitate to contact a local host for guidance on MPs that could benefit from local knowledge.

Update Request

So when you signed up for the MapRaid, did you know that you were going to get a bunch of experience with URs? Good luck Teams 8 and 9; you cannot turn back now! The local editors really appreciate this global effort at getting the Los Angeles area back under UR control. The following guidance and sample UR responses should be helpful in many situations that you might encounter in the greater Los Angeles area. As always, do not hesitate to contact a local host for guidance on URs that require local knowledge, additional research, or background information.

Sample UR Comments/Responses

General Error; Incorrect Junction; Missing Bridge/Road (Recent, < 30 days old) Hello, I am a fellow Wazer and volunteer Map Editor. Can you please provide more details about the error you were reporting? Please note, for privacy reasons Map Editors usually cannot see your intended destination or where you started from. Thanks!

Old URs (Old, > 30 days old) Hello, I am a fellow Wazer and volunteer Map Editor. We are trying to catch up on some old map requests. We understand that it has been a very long time; but if you remember, can you please provide more details about the error you were reporting. Please note, if you do not respond within 7 days, this request will be closed as not identified. Thanks!

Stale URs with Previous Contact Attempted Hello, I am a fellow Wazer and another volunteer Map Editor. We are trying to catch up on some old map requests. We understand that it has been a very long time; but if you remember, can you please provide more details about the error or advise if it was already fixed? Please note, if you do not respond within 7 days, this request will be closed as not identified. Thanks!

Wrong Driving Directions Hello, I am a fellow Wazer and volunteer Map Editor. I want to help you with this Wrong Driving Directions error, but I need your further assistance. Can you please explain what was wrong and provide your intended destinations address or business name. For privacy reasons, editors cannot see your final destination or where you started from. Thanks!

U-turn Problems Hello, I am a fellow Wazer and volunteer Map Editor. Currently, Waze will not give a "U-turn" navigation command. It will route you in several left/right turns to effectively create a U-turn. This is a programming issue that cannot be changed by the volunteer map editors, but we understand that Waze is working on a fix. I hope that this information was helpful.

Turn Not Allowed or Missing Exit in Construction Zone (likely temporary closure) Hello, I am a fellow Wazer and volunteer Map Editor. Can you please provide more details about the error you were reporting? Please note, short term road closures, detours, or other hazards should be reported using the Waze application by selecting Report, then Closure or Hazard. Unfortunately, Waze cannot properly detour if users have not indicated a closure. Thanks!

Unsafe/Slow Left Turn Hello, I am a fellow Wazer and volunteer Map Editor. Can you please provide more details about the error you were reporting? Please note, Waze routing is calculated using a complex algorithm based on historical and real-time data from other Wazers. Waze likely calculated that this route was the fastest. If it was not faster, then your wait time has contributed to Waze, thus helping to discourage this route in the future. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of each driver to determine if they want to drive a recommended route; if you change the route, Waze will also reroute. I hope this information was helpful and thank you.

Problem Solved Hello, I am a fellow Wazer and volunteer Map Editor. We have solved/fixed your report by [provide explanation]. Please note, it can take over 48 hours for the changes to sync with the live Waze map. Thanks!

Incorrect Pin or Missing PLR Problems – Now Solved Hello, I am a fellow Wazer and volunteer Map Editor. We have made changes that should correct the problem. Waze frequently gets location information from third party websites and then directs you to the closest "mapped" roadway for that exact GPS point. This location was improperly placed closer to the other street/alley. Please note, it can take a few days for the changes to become active and thanks for your report.

Business Place Problems Hello, I am a fellow Wazer and volunteer Map Editor. Until most recently, Waze did not have its own database of businesses; therefore, it used other search sites. If the navigation information is not accurate, it is likely because the other search sites need to be updated or the business needs to be added as a Waze Place. You can contribute to the freshness and accuracy of information about Waze Places by adding new places or editing existing ones, in the Report menu. I hope this information was helpful and thanks for your report.

HOV Routing Problems Hello, I am a fellow Wazer and volunteer Map Editor. Waze generally will not route using HOV lanes; however, sometimes it can think you are in an HOV lane when you are not or other times you can be in an HOV lane and Waze will not know that. Therefore just drive the regular/legal route for where you are and when Waze sees that you have changed from the recommended routing, it will adjust and reroute. I hope this information was helpful. Thanks!

HOT Problems Hello, I am a fellow Wazer and volunteer Map Editor. Waze is about getting to your destination the fastest; however, it does not know if you have a toll transponder. Therefore, if you prefer to not have toll routes suggested, there is a feature under Settings > Navigation to avoid toll roads. I hope this information was helpful.