Arizona/Major roads/Main View history

Revision as of 16:15, 21 November 2014 by Fredo-p (talk | contribs) (*/Major_roads/Main*/)

City Names

Although Arizona follows the general road naming and road type guidelines of the USA, there are some road naming rules specific to Arizona that all Arizona editors MUST follow.

The city name field is not to be filled in. Only road segments that pass along the boundary of a city/town will receive a city name and locked to a higher level to prevent tampering. The sole purpose for this practice is to easily identify city boundaries. The city area itself is already identified by Waze. Adding a city name to a road could potentially cause routing issues, especially if one road changes from one city to another.

Alternate Names

Alternate names are not to be used on any Arizona roadways. They do not show up in on the map and have been known to have adverse routing effects. For other reasons, please see the explanation on City Names.

Locking Standard

  Freeway (Fwy)   5
 Major Highway (MH)  /   Ramps  4
 Major Highway (MH) -For rural areas only /  Minor Highways (mH)  / RailRoads (RR) 3
 Primary Streets (PS)  2
Streets/ Parking Lots Roads (PLR) / etc 1