Oklahoma/To do View history

Revision as of 21:01, 6 February 2015 by Okladriver (talk | contribs) (Added okladriver's list)

dBsooner - Things to keep checking on
  • Construction on Memorial between Admiral and 12th
  • New Neighborhood at 126th and Sheridan - Seven Lakes III and IV - Road Names and geometry
  • New Neighborhood at S 33rd W Ave and Creek Turnpike - Road Names and Geometry (Far Southeast)
  • Add additional names to I-44 through through town from the Creek Turnpike interchange on the Northeast end of town.
okladriver - Things to keep checking on
  • I-40 and Shields ramps - possible closures
  • Norman - new construction between Robinson and Tecumseh
  • Moore - Telephone Rd closure
  • Moore - New apartment complex just South of 19th