- Automatic Speech Recognition - The ability of a smartphone to translate a user's voice commands into actions on the device
- Central reservation
- Strip of land or barrier separating a dual carriageway
- Cookies, cookie munching
- Cookies are the dots on unconfirmed (pacman roads). Cookie munching (or road munching) is driving over such roads. It also confirms the road is drivable for the Waze server.
- Dead-end Node
- File:Dead-end node.png The small white circle at the end of a road segment without another segment connected to its end
- Directionality
- Whether a road is one-way, two-way or no-entrance (unknown)
- Divided highway
- See dual carriageway
- Dual carriageway
- A road or highway in which the two directions of traffic are separated by a central barrier or strip of land, known as a central reservation or median
- Express Lane
- See HOV
- Freeway
- Motorway; the major road system in your country
- Geometry
- The layout or shape of a road segment. Each road is made up of straight line segments. These can be arbitrarily short, effectively allowing curves
- Geometry node
- See Node
- Grade
- The level or elevation of a road with respect to surrounding roads. So a road would normally be at level grade. A road going underneath in a tunnel would be a -1 grade. A road going over would be a +1 grade. At complicated junctions such as freeway interchanges there can be many levels. So on a flat map we assign levels to show that while the roads cross, they do not connect because they are at different heights or elevations.
- HOV, HOV Lane
- High Occupancy Vehicle. A vehicle with 2 or more occupants. HOV Lanes, also known as Carpool Lanes and Transit Lanes, are lanes restricted for the use of cars carrying a specified number of occupants
- Junction Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
- The point where two or more road segments connect; often incorrectly referred to as a 'node'.
Junctions look differently depending on the situation:
- Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Selected and editable segment junction
- Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Selected and uneditable segment junction (no permissions to change)
- Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Changed, unsaved junction
- Map tile, tile
- The Waze map is divided into a grid using 1KM square areas which are called tiles or map tiles. Changes to map are processed on a per-tile basis. Changes to any part of a map tile causes Waze to mark the tile as changed and it will be rebuilt in the next map update cycle.
- Median, median barrier
- Strip of land or barrier separating a divided highway or motorway
- Motorway
- Freeway; the major road system in your country
- Munching
- Driving over unconfirmed roads (pacman roads). See cookie munching
- Node Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
- When editing a segment or landmark, large black squares appear where the segment changes direction from straight. Click and drag them individually to alter the geometry of the segment or or landmark. Click and drag the white circles on a segment to add them to an object or press the d key while the mouse is hovered over them to delete the node.
- Origin
- Starting point for a driving route
- Pacman roads
- Unconfirmed roads marked with dots (cookies). Roads that have not been driven on since created or significantly edited in Cartouche. Driving over these roads earns you points and turns your car icon into a Pacman-type character that "munches the dots"
- Pathfinder
- The road segments linking roadways that are not necessarily their own named streets. They are often part of the rampways getting on or off freeways and highways or between freeways. After initially exiting a freeway they help further direct drivers through additional turn decisions before reaching the desired roadway or street. See the Junction Style Guide for more information.
- Pothole
- Also called a kettle or chuckhole, is a type of disruption in the surface of a roadway where a portion of the road material has broken away, leaving a hole.
- Ramp
- A freeway entrance or exit; sliproad. Ramps may be on-ramps or off-ramps. Ramps used to connect roads at a different grade from the connecting road or freeway. See the Map Legend and the Junction Style Guide for more detail.
- Road munching
- Earning points by driving over roads (distance traveled). Also see cookie munching
- Segment
- Defines a section of roadway on which vehicles may travel or a pathway where only people may travel. Multiple segments are connected by junctions.
- Sliproad
- A motorway entrance or exit; ramp. Sliproads are often at a different grade from the connecting road or motorway
- Text-to-speech - Navigation instructions spoken to the driver by the Waze application
- Wayfinder
- See Pathfinder
- Wazer
- A user of the Waze application