Kansas/Special roads/Main View history

Revision as of 16:04, 17 July 2019 by Herrchin (talk | contribs) (url fix)

We have special rules which enhance and modify the general map guidelines provided by Waze. We ask that when editing in Kansas you follow these rules for special road types.
Dirt roads

In many Kansas counties, the Dirt road type should apply only to roads that are truly dirt/low-maintenance. Well-maintained gravel roads should NOT be set as the Dirt Road type. They should be at least Street type and potentially as high as Primary Street status. The reason some of these gravel roads qualify for Primary Street status is based upon their functional classification designation. These roads may be gravel, but they are intended to be main routes between towns (especially in rural areas) and are often wider and more frequently maintained. This of course isn't ideal for Wazers who'd prefer to avoid gravel roads, but until an unpaved option is made available to apply as an attribute, it's the best overall option for routing.


Alleys are to be mapped since they are sometimes required to access parking lots, businesses, and residences. Alleys are to be the parking lot road type and the name should be set to "Alley."

Parking lots

Following the spirit of mapping all drivable surfaces, parking lot roads are to be mapped in Kansas. Please follow the parking lot general guidelines and use discretion to provide functionality without overcrowding the map.


Rural driveways in KS should frequently be mapped (as Private Roads), even if shorter than the general Driveways recommendation of 50 meters. Drivers will often be travelling at a high speed, and an upcoming turn provides the necessary advanced warning of their destination. Driveways also serve as useful navigation landmarks on otherwise featureless rural roads. If they are not mapped, Waze may mistakenly snap to a nearby road and interfere with the speed data or provide confusing directions. When mapping a new driveway, check the House Numbers on all nearby roads to ensure all entries are closest to the most appropriate road or driveway.

Urban driveways do not qualify for mapping in most circumstances unless they meet certain route-aiding criteria as defined in the national standards for Driveways.

Speed Limits

Kansas primarily follows the USA Speed limits page with some clarifications

Ramp Speed Limits

For ramps that are for accelerating to a road with a higher speed limit, use the higher speed limit of the destination road that the ramp goes to.

For ramps that go from a higher speed limit to a lower speed limit such as a freeway off ramp, do not place any speed limit on the ramp.

For ramps where the start and end have the same speed limit, keep the same speed limit on the ramp.

Do not use advisory speed limits that are black text on yellow signs.

Other Kansas Specific Speed Limit details

Kansas Rural Highway Speed Limits [1]

The KS state laws for default unposted speed limits statewide are:

  • Residential Areas 30 mph
  • Two-lane paved highways 55 mph
  • Improved two-lane highways 65 mph
  • Some improved highways in rural areas 70 mph
  • Kansas Turnpike, unless otherwise posted 75 mph and 40 mph minimum
  • Rural segments of freeway 75 mph with 40 mph minimum

Check with your Area or State Managers for clarification if needed.