If a point place is moved more than 1046.59 feet (319 meters), the change cannot be saved in WME. Therefore, if a business or other public place has moved a short distance, move the associated point place to the correct location, update the address and delete any photos that are no longer accurate. However, if a business has moved a long distance, remove the place according to the following section and create a new place.
Users should not be routed to places that no longer exist. However, because Waze includes third-party results in searches for places, deleting a Waze place may leave users navigating to a third-party result with no way of knowing that the place is closed. Therefore, after confirming that a place is permanently closed or moved a long distance, the following procedure should be used:
- Search the Waze app for the name and location of the place.
- Find the place in WME. If the only search result is a Waze place, delete the place. If the search returns third-party results as well, continue to step 3.
- Add " (Permanently Closed)" to the end of the place name.
- Add a note in the description with the date when the place was reported closed.
- Link the third-party place(s) to the Waze place if not already linked.
- Change the open hours to one minute per week at a time least likely to be viewed, so that the place will show as closed for the rest of the week.
- Submit a correction, if possible, to the third-party source to show that the place is no longer there.
- Delete the place after the third-party place no longer appears in Waze search results.
Oftentimes Waze users will flag closed places for deletion, which generates a PUR with the options of ignoring the flag or deleting the place. If the place should be deleted immediately, delete it through the flag, which will send the user a message that the flag was reviewed and approved. If you need to wait to delete the place until third-party results are corrected, wait to handle the flag and then delete the place through the flag. If the place is still open or has just moved a short distance, hit "ignore" on the flag PUR.
Additional information
Closed advertised places may require the help of a state manager or regional coordinator for removal from Waze.