North Carolina/Major roads/Main View history

An exception currently to the USA Roads standard is North Carolina state highways. North Carolina has numbered state highways from Controlled Access Freeways down to Alleys. Because of this North Carolina strictly uses Functional Classification to set road types for state roads and below.

US Highways and Interstates will continue to follow Waze standards

Road Names

See Road types/USA for general rules where North Carolina does not specfically differ.

North Carolina has two classes of state funded roads, Primary State Highways, and Secondary Roads (aka State Roads). Please carefully observe the following naming formats for roads in these categories.

Primary State Highways

State Highways are numbers under 1000 (1-3 digits) and bear the NC diamond shield. These roads should be named "NC-XXX"
Use a single hyphen and no spaces between NC and the route number.
This applies to both Primary and Alternate road names.

Secondary Roads (aka State Roads)

Secondary Roads are route numbers of 1000 or greater (four digits or more).

  • These Roads are not signed with shields. Regular green or white road signs are most commonly used to designate secondary roads. On these signs, the prefix "SR" for "secondary road" should precede the road number. (See pictures above)
  • These roads should be named "SR XXXX" Use a single space and no hyphen between SR and the route number.
  • These names are typically used as Alternate Road names, along with Primary names which match local road signage.
  • SR numbers can be found using the NCDOT Secondary Roads Database Lookup.

NOTE: North Carolina does not use County Road numbers. If found, these should be updated to the Secondary Road format

Road Function Class

See Road types/USA as a general rule.
We have also incorporated the NC Functional Class Map into are road classification system:

This should be the first step in determining how a road should be type. The list below are minimums (e.g. a State Highway would be at a minimum a minor highway. It could also be a major highway or freeway depending on functional class)

  •  Freeway  - Interstates and all other roads with no at grade intersections.
  •  Major Highway  - US Highways, Interstates that have at grade intersections.
  •  Minor Highway  - State Highways, US Business Highways.
  •  Primary Street  - State Business Highways.

If the road is not defined as one of the above then please use the functional class to determine what type to qualify the road as.

Using the NC Functional Class Map: The NC functional Class Map is divided into 9 road type classifications. Most road classifications will minimally be defined by the above criteria. For all other roads that do not fit into that criteria please use the references below:

Functional Class Type - Waze Type

  • Interstate -  Freeway 
  • Other Freeway -  Freeway 
  • Other Principal Arterial -  Major Highway 
  • Minor Arterial -  Minor Highway 
  • Major Collector -  Primary Street 
  • Minor Collector -  Primary Street 
  • Local -  Street 

Contact the Area Manager or State Manager if you feel there is an exception to these rules. Consistency is key do not change a road type for routing sake or to make it appear on the map at a higher speed. Also, do not switch road types every few segments just because the functional class does (Contact the AM or SM for help).

Function Class Quick Reference Chart

Refer to this chart to determine the road type of a given paved public road based on the North Carolina functional class.

To use this chart, first determine the functional class of a road, and whether it is a signed, numbered highway in a particular highway system.

Where the column for the road's highway system and the row for the road's North Carolina functional class meet, you will find the proper road type for that particular road.

A number of examples are given below the chart.

Highway Systems


Interstate Business Loop/Spur

US Hwy
(incl. some special routes)


State Hwy (incl. some special routes)

State Hwy BUS, SPUR[a], LOOP Locally-maintained
example I-95 N I-95 Business US-301 US-301 Business NC-87 NC-87 Business Robertson St


Interstate[b]  Fw  n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Other Freeway[c] n/a  Fw   Fw   Fw   Fw   Fw   Fw 
Other Principal Arterial[d] n/a  Major   Major   Major   Major   Major   Major 
Minor Arterial[e] n/a  Major   Major   Minor   Minor   Minor   Minor 
Major Collector n/a  Major   Major   Minor   Minor   PS   PS 
Minor Collector n/a  Major   Major   Minor   Minor   PS   PS 
Local/not mapped n/a  Major   Major   Minor   Minor   PS   Street 

^a When a state highway "SPUR" route is used to connect a state highway with another state highway, a US highway, or an Interstate (i.e., when it is used as a connector/CONN route), use the first state highway column.

^b Also known as Principal Arterial - Interstate.

^c Also known as Principal Arterial - Freeway.

^d Also known as Principal Arterial.

^e Also known as Other Arterial.

For example,

  • An Interstate Business Loop classified as a Minor Arterial is a  Major Highway .
  • A US Highway classified as a Minor Arterial is a  Major Highway .
  • A US Highway Spur route classified as a Minor Arterial is a  Minor Highway .
  • A State Highway classified as an Other Freeway is a  Freeway .
  • A State Highway classified as a Collector is a  Minor Highway .
  • A locally-maintained road classified as an Other Principal Arterial is a  Major Highway .
  • A locally-maintained road classified as a Collector is a  Primary Street .

 Fw   Freeway 
 Major   Major Highway 
 Minor   Minor Highway 
 PS   Primary Street 
 Street   Street 

Road Locking

Segments should be locked at a minimum lock level to match this chart.

Segment Type Lock Level
 Freeway  5
 Ramp  Highest lock of connected segment
 Major Highway  4
 Minor Highway  3
 Primary Street  2
 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Railroad |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  2
 • • • • Ferry • • • •   5

Note: Certain areas may be locked higher than the above minimums. Please do not lower locks unless approved by the RC or a North Carolina SM.