User:ShadowMasterCM/So you want to edit View history

WME Extensions & Scripts:

Do you use any Chrome Extensions or Scripts for WME yet?

Extensions and Scripts designed to work with WME are incredibly powerful tools that will make your editing time far more productive. These tools will direct your attention to various parts of the data in WME that MAY need attention. With out these sort of tools, editors usually endlessly scroll around in WME 'looking' for something to 'fix'.

NOTE: Remember that these tools will identify items that POSSIBLY need attention. Not every issue identified is actually incorrect. It may actually be a configuration approved by Sr Editors as an exception to wiki guidance based on specific local conditions.

It is highly recommend that new editors start out with Validator, Toolbox & Tampermonkey*

All three are available at the Chrome Store. Simply view these in the Chrome Store, click to install them, and press F5 on your WME tab. Remember that WME is designed for use with Chrome, so this page is about installing tools in Chrome, for use with WME.

  • TamperMonkey is a "script manager". It will allow you to install other useful scripts into WME for more advanced tools that you will use as you learn more about editing in WME.

Once you have TamperMonkey installed:

Look for the TamperMonkey icon in the upper right corner of Chrome, left click the icon, then select "Get new scripts..." A new tab should open for TamperMonkey, and on there is a listing of User Script sources. Most of the most current scripts for WME are usually found on "GreasyFork". Click on the link to GreasyFork.

Once you get to the GreasyFork page, enter 'WME' in the search box and you should see a list of Scripts for WME

NOTE: Do not feel the need to install any/ all of them, until you are working on an issue where a specific script might be useful!

One such useful script for editors in NY is Localization Pack for New York

One additional script very useful for new editors, who want to process Update Requests [URs], is UR-MP Tracking

Standard Responses:

Standard Responses [SRs] are used when working with Update Requests [URs] in the Waze Map Editor [WME].

These SRs are intended to offer general guidance to help editor's effectively communicate with Waze reporters in a productive manner. Please remember to keep this excellent guidance in mind when ever working with URs.

There are also scripts available like UR Comments that can automate the process of repling to URs.

Please feel free to modify any of these to fit your specific situations.

  • Greeting

When to use: Used to start the conversation with a Waze app user, in the UR that contains "No comments yet", as well as those URs with little detail about the issue.

  • Thanks for the report! Can you provide specific information about this error?
  • Reminder

When to use: When you have sent an initial request for additional information, and the reporter has not yet replied. The specific amount of time between the initial request and the reminder varies between regions, so check for local guidance.

  • Hi There! We would like to try to correct this issue for you, but we need more specific information about it. If it can't be corrected, then it will have to be left incomplete and this report will be closed.
  • No Response/ Closing

When to use: After the initial request for additional info AND the reminder request have been sent, and an additional wait period has passed since the reminder was sent, THEN you should close out the UR as 'Not Identified'.

NOTE: Editors should also consider giving the entire local area one last review and see what various items can be corrected before closing this UR and leaving this specific area of the map. There may not be another editor that will review this area for weeks or months!

  • No recent activity - No new information - Closing as "Not Identified"
  • Address Request

When to use: Once specific routing issues have been identified by the reporter, but an editor is not able to reproduce them, knowing the exact starting/ ending address used by the reporter, is sometimes useful to the editor.

NOTE: For privacy reasons some reporters may not be comfortable giving you a specific address. You should respect this and consider alternative ways to resolve the issue.

  • Can I ask what your destination address was? I would like to try to replicate this error.
  • Issue Solved

When to use: The issue reported was properly identified, and the map data was corrected as needed...including a comment about the delay due to 'Tile Updates' is also very useful information to the reporter, who may only be a casual Waze app user.

  • Appropriate data updated. This should appear in the Waze app in the next several days. Please open a new report if there are any additional issues. Thanks!
  • Restrictions [Weight/Height/Width/Vehicle Type]

When to use: When you get a report offering this sort of data, do NOT just discard it as useless. Waze wants to collect any data made available for [possible] future use, but editors also need to help the reporter understand they won't see it currently in use in the Waze app.

  • Thanks for the info on the restriction(s), the appropriate data was updated. Please continue to send reports whenever you see this sort of information posted locally, so that Waze can have this information available for future use. Thanks!

NOTE: The current version of the Waze app does NOT use this type of data when selecting a route. Please remember to always watch for posted signage and obey local laws.

  • No Solution/ Closing

When to use: Reporter has given as much information as they can, but the actual issue is never specifically identified and corrected. We don't want the reporter to feel as tho they wasted their time sending in a UR, but we also need to acknowledge that this specific issue can not be fixed.

  • All relevant MAP DATA has been reviewed, and at this time there is no obvious solution to this error. This report will be closed as "Not Identified". Please continue to report any additional issues. Thanks!