Maryland/To do View history

Revision as of 00:22, 21 October 2015 by Nzahn1 (talk | contribs) (New BOTG section.)

Boots on the Ground

These are BOTG missions that need doing. A few notes: no there are no bonus points, no there is no mileage reimbursement.

  • US-301 at MD-305 (Hope Rd) - New Interchange, look for Exit Signage, new geometries.

Place Harmonization

Please use Title Case in all Place Names!
Review these categories in your managed areas:

  • MVA Offices: "MVA - Office Name or City Name"
  • Hotels: "Hotel Chain Name - City Name or as listed on website

Note that the DC regional browser includes parts of Southern Maryland.

Park & Ride

Add SHA / Park & Ride areas across the state.
Format: "Park & Ride - Place Name / Street

  • Maryland SHA Park & Ride Areas List <- Please update this spreadsheet
    View locations on a Map

Additional P & R Locations in Virginia, Metro Washington DC, Maryland and West Virginia