User:Zohar760 View history

Zohar760 can be reached by private message.
As of 23 August 2022 (2022-08-23), the forum Private Message system is being replaced by a new Forum Chat feature. This template will need to be updated once that new Forum Chat feature is finalized. Details covered in this forum thread.

About Me

Hailing from Sterling Heights, MI, I started using Waze on March 31, 2015, and immediately knew that map editing was something I should be doing. Haven't looked back since. I'm proud to serve the state of Michigan and the Great Lakes Region as an area manager and prolific editor.

Current Editing Rank

Areas Managed


Central Macomb County

Primary Editing Area

Most of Macomb County, and parts of eastern Oakland, central Wayne, and downtown Detroit.

Community Activities


Philadelphia MapRaid! *Tied for 2nd place - Places HOF*(June 7 - June 14, 2015)
Second MegaMapRaid! - China (July 2 - July 17, 2015)
Boston MapRaid! (July 19 - July 26, 2015)