< Michigan
- MDOT NFC Maps - MDOT National Functional Classification (NFC) maps by county and urban area. An effort was started in late 2013 to convert metro Detroit and other major cities to their corresponding NFC road classifications.
- Boundary and Annexation Survey Maps from US Census Bureau
- Michigan Census Designated Places from US Census.
- TIGERweb from US Census Bureau
- MDOT Physical Road (PR) Finder (also see the PR Finder Home page)
- Directory of county road commissions, many of which maintain a list of planned improvements or current projects
- Listing of all counties in Michigan and available GIS maps.
Recommended WME UI Enhancements
- WME Color Highlights
- Junction Node Fixer
- WME Toolbox
- WME Validator
- Michigan localised enhancement of Validator
- WME Junction Angle Info
- WME Chat addon