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Revision as of 03:27, 6 April 2015 by PesachZ (talk | contribs) (→‎Closing URs: fixed link)
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Closing URs

We really appreciate the help volunteer editors give in our area. A quick look around at the immense volume of open URs can attest to the dire need for active editors. Thank you for trying to help out. It's important that we seem professional to wazers, and don't step on the toes of other editors also volunteering time to help.
I just got an email that you solved [url=DIRECT URL TO SPECIFIC UR]this UR[/url] today. I was wondering what you did to solve/fix this issue.
PS. As per [url=]the wiki on dealing with URs[/url], you should always leave a comment explaining why you are closing a UR before closing it. (unless another editor has started a conversation with no response, and has given you permission to take over his URs)
Don't close a UR (mark as [b]Solved[/b] or [b]Not Identified[/b]) unless you are sure you fixed the problem, or you are sure there is no problem. If you didn't actually edit anything in the map to fix the issue then mark it as Not Identified. If you did edit something in the map to fix it, mark it as Solved
The Wiki page I linked to above, is a great read for these topics.

There are also special [TAGGED] URs to alert other editors to special situations e.g. closures, events, notes, or recent construction. If you read the problem description of the UR, it is usually all spelled out there. These special URs should usually be left alone. Unless the issue they represent no longer exists, in which case you should contact the original reporter and wait for a response before closing.

Please make sure to read the [url=]WME Welcome Page[/url]
The wiki has a wealth of information on practically everything. You should definitely check it out, especially the links below (in my signature).
Feel free to ask me any questions you might have, or you can ask other editors using the [url=]chat box[/url] in WME.
There is also [url=]Formal Mentoring[/url] available as an option, if that is something you might be interested in.

Welcome no problems

Welcome to Waze Map Editing
Here are a few pointers for you.

In general the [url=]Waze wiki[/url] is a great resource and covers almost everything that you need to know. Be sure to read the [url=]Editing Manual[/url], from there a few important pages to read are the [b]Quick Start Guide[/b], the [b]Best Practices[/b], and the [b]Junction Style Guide[/b]. (You will need to click on the links in the Editing Manual for those sections, to be taken to those articles.) If something isn't in the wiki, you can probably find it in the [url=]forum[/url].

There is also a specific wiki page for your state which you can find from the [url=]the USA page[/url], and a specific forum for your state which you can get to from [url=]the USA forum[/url].

When you have an edit which needs to be done, but it is out of your editing area or it is above your rank you can post it in the [url=]US Unlock and Update Requests[/url] forum. Be sure to follow the posting rules at the top of the page. In the title put the Rank the road is locked at, the city, and state. In the body of message put a [url=]Permalink[/url], a description of the problem and the edit necessary to fix it, and your [url=]editing rank (cones)[/url].
You can also also try to see if there is an editor with the correct rank, and editing privileges in you area available in the live [url=]WME Chat[/url] to help you out. Post a message something like [quote]Hi is there any Rank <the rank the segment is locked at> or higher who can help me with ... in <city, state>[/quote]
There are two types of reports you'll see in WME, [url=]Map Problems (MPs)[/url] and [url=]Update Requests (URs)[/url].
The MPs are auto generated by the Waze server, and have an exclamation point (!) in their icon.
There are slight differences in responding to these different types of reports, check out the wiki pages to see the differences. In short an MP report from the server doesn't necessarily need to be fixed. Sometimes it's better to leave things the way they are. (A UR doesn't always need a fix either, sometimes what the user is requesting doesn't meet the standards  ;) )
The URs are generated by Wazers reporting a map from the client app on their devices, or from Livemap. Reporting while driving is tricky, and many users just choose one of the titles for the report and never add any detail because they don't want to type. The titles to choose from include [b]General Error[/b], [b]Wrong Driving Direction[/b], [b]Turn Not Allowed[/b], etc.. Sometimes the problem is not apparent because it reflects something further down the line, and our view of their route is very limited. If there is not enough information in the original report to determine the problem, you should try to communicate with the reporter using the [url=]conversation feature[/url] of the report. A UR is classified as whatever the reporter chooses, but if he doesn't choose anything and just hits report, the default [b]General Error[/b] is chosen.
Don't close a UR (mark as [b]Solved[/b] or [b]Not Identified[/b]) unless you are sure you fixed the problem, or you are sure there is no problem. If you didn't actually edit anything in the map to fix the issue then mark it as Not Identified. If you did edit something in the map to fix it, mark it as Solved
The Wiki pages I linked to above, are great links for these topics. 

You can also take advantage of the Formal Mentoring program if that's something you'd be interested in to facilitate faster learning. Check out the [url=]US Mentoring Forum thread[/url], and the [url=]US Mentoring wiki page[/url] which has all the information you will need to decide if it's right for you.

Welcome red roads

I see you have started to [url=<permalink to problem>]edit the map[/url] in <location> and we greatly appreciate that. It's vital to the success of Waze for editors to fix the map in areas they are familiar with. However I wanted to make sure you are not spending time and effort doing things which will then need to be redone properly, because the first attempt didn't follow the guidelines in [url=]the wiki[/url]. For example, [url=<permalink>]these roads[/url] you made are still red, meaning they still need to be [url=]confirmed[/url] with names, city, state, and country added to their properties in the left panel when they are clicked on, and proper turns set into and out of them.

[i]Divided AGC[/i]
There doesn't need to be 3 separate segments [url=<Permalink>]here[/url], one 2-way segment would do just fine as mentioned [url=]in this wiki article[/url].

[i]Not connected[/i]
The roads you made, while you dragged them over to <road>, they aren't actually connected to it, since <road> is [url=]locked[/url]at Rank <2>, above your rank. In order to complete the segments you added, you will need to [url=]enable all the appropriate turns[/url] onto and off of the segments, to do that you will need to [url=]request a higher rank editor to help you, or unlock it[/url] for you.

We do appreciate the time and effort you are putting, and I don't want to come off as being harsh at all. I just want to give you the tools to do a great job here.

Please make sure to visit our [url=]WME Welcome Page[/url].
The wiki has a wealth of information on practically everything. You should definitely check it out, especially the links below (in my signature).
Feel free to ask me any questions you might have, or you can ask other editors using the [url=]chat box[/url] in WME. Its always a good idea to have the chat box open when editing to communicate with other editors, and see if someone is trying to offer you some help.

There is also [url=]Formal Mentoring[/url] available as an option, if that is something you might be interested in.