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* El mejor método para mejorar Waze es simplemente conducir con la aplicación en marcha. Cada vez que te muevas, aunque no estés utilizando Waze para guiarte, enciéndelo. No tienes que hacer nada. Waze utilizará la información de tu viaje para calcular la velocidad media de la vía mientras conduces, comprobará errores y mejorará el mapeado, aprenderá la dirección de las calles y los giros que están permitidos. Sin embargo, para evitar errores, estas actualizaciones automáticas [[Durante el proceso de actualización las modificaciones automáticas necesitan rutas muy bien grabadas]] antes de hacer modificaciones automáticas.
* The easiest way to improve Waze is just drive around with Waze turned on. Every time you travel, even if you are not using Waze to guide you, turn it on. You don't have to do anything. Waze will use the information from your journey to calculate average road speeds at the time you are driving, check for errors and improve road layout, and learn the direction of roads and which turns are allowed. However to avoid errors, these automatic updates [[Timeline of updating process#Automatic road updates by Waze|need many, many accurately recorded routes]] before making an automatic change.
* Cuando utilices Waze más adelante para buscar direcciones te beneficiarás de los datos que has ayudado a recoger
* When you later use Waze for directions, you'll benefit from better routes using the information you helped collect
* No necesitas hacer viajes especiales con Waze. De hecho Waze funciona mejor en tus viajes regulares y trayectos diarios.
* You don't need to make special trips with Waze. In fact Waze works best on your regular trips and commuting
* Conn Waze encendido, podrás disponer de información de forma automática [[reportes de tráfico]] de las condiciones locales de tráfico.
* With Waze on, you'll get free [[road reports]] on local traffic conditions automatically
* Si viajas a áreas que no están mapeadas en Waze podrás mapearlas [[grabando una nueva vía]]. Tan solo pulsando un botón podrás comenzar con tu viaje de contrucción de mapas.
* If you travel to areas that are unmapped in Waze, you might try [[recording a new road]]. Just one button starts you on a map-making trip

Revision as of 20:04, 26 October 2010

  • The easiest way to improve Waze is just drive around with Waze turned on. Every time you travel, even if you are not using Waze to guide you, turn it on. You don't have to do anything. Waze will use the information from your journey to calculate average road speeds at the time you are driving, check for errors and improve road layout, and learn the direction of roads and which turns are allowed. However to avoid errors, these automatic updates need many, many accurately recorded routes before making an automatic change.
  • When you later use Waze for directions, you'll benefit from better routes using the information you helped collect
  • You don't need to make special trips with Waze. In fact Waze works best on your regular trips and commuting
  • With Waze on, you'll get free road reports on local traffic conditions automatically
  • If you travel to areas that are unmapped in Waze, you might try recording a new road. Just one button starts you on a map-making trip