User:Subs5/DC SpotHero Parking Project View history

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The list.  Here is the [url=]spreadsheet listing all of the applicable garages[/url].
The list.  Here is the [url=]spreadsheet listing all of the applicable garages[/url].
What to do:
# Select a garage
# Go to its address
# Fill out all the information available for the parking lot
## The second tab of the spreadsheet has links to the parking lot operator websites
## There is often more detail about the PLA on the site, electric charging, cash only, hours and phone numbers
# Look in Street View for the actual entrance, put the entry pin there
# Add the HN or RPP as applicable for the lot's address
# Add "SpotHero reservations available" in the description. 
# Post a PL of of the PLA in Column K
# List your name and complete (if not complete leave Column I empty)
# If there are any questions/corrections then list them in Column L.  Highlight the row in yellow.  These will be sent back to SpotHero for reconciliation

Revision as of 18:58, 5 April 2019

This is a project to mark all of the public lots that has SpotHero reservations. This will help to clean up the PLAs in the Washington DC metropolitan area - and out to their lots in Annapolis too.

So this will help the users in areas that parking is limited and improve Waze's routing too.

The list. Here is the [url=

listing all of the applicable garages[/url].