User:Subs5/Toll road View history

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#E-ZPass (E-ZPassFlex)
#E-ZPass (E-ZPassFlex - see if can get Flex added separately for HOV routing)

Latest revision as of 00:23, 14 August 2017

Toll road

  • The legacy toll road attribute is gone and has been replaced by toll restriction in the Time Based Segment restriction.
  • Tolls can either be cash, transponder, or combination of cash and transponder
  • For mapping tolls that are associated with HOV, HOT, or Express Lanes, please refer to the HOV wazeopedia page. [link when completed.

Toll Transponder Companies supported

The following companies’ toll transponders are supported in Waze:

  1. Sunpass
  2. Flexpass
  3. TxDOTTolltag
  4. Leeway
  5. O-Pass
  6. Peachpass
  7. METROHOTtag
  8. FasTrack
  9. Goodtogo
  10. E-Pass
  11. TxTAGTolltag
  12. DallasNTTATolltag
  13. E-ZPass (E-ZPassFlex - see if can get Flex added separately for HOV routing)
  14. HarrisEZtag

How to map toll restrictions

  • Mark a road segment as a toll segment only:
  1. The segment has a toll booth, transponder reader, or other tolling device
  2. Do not mark the toll restriction for segments that lead up to the final toll segment even if they have no other exit except the final toll segment
Note Waze assigns a large penalty for each road segment marked with a toll restriction if a user has avoid toll roads selected. Marking each toll booth/transponder for segment helps to route the user off at each exit if the user has selected avoid tolls but allows them to take a short toll road if only reasonable route.

Entering toll restrictions

To mark a segment for toll:

Note The toll attribute check box for the toll attribute moved to the first pop up for TBSRs from under the segment's road type.
  1. Select Add restrictions (Time Based Segment Restrictions) on the left panel when the segment is selected
  2. Check the toll road attribute in the bottom left corner of the popup box
  3. Select the appropriate direction two way/ A-> B / B-> A and a second popup box appears
    Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
    1. Select Entire segment in the Applies to section if all lanes are the same for cash, transponder, or combination
    2. Select Left lane / Center lane / Right lane in the Applies to section if some lanes are transponder only
    3. Select Left lane / Center lane / Right lane in the Applies to section if all lanes are combination cash and transponder
  4. Select None in the Applies to section
  5. Select appropriate Days, Hours, and Every week [Note every week can be a date range but probably not used for HOV]
  6. Driving is _____ for
    1. Select allowed for
      Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
  7. Select Vehicle type by clicking the + on the green add restriction banner and a drop down menu will appear
    1. private vehicle is added
    2. Add each vehicle type allowed on the toll road, for cash need private vehicle and taxi
  8. If applicable, select subscription by clicking the +' on the green add restriction banner and a drop down menu will appear
    Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
  9. Select applicable transponder company by clicking the Sunpass and a drop down menu will appear with all available companies
  10. If there are transponder only lanes with a different speed limit, then add a the side that the lanes are on (Right lane / Left lane) with the transponder only restrictions
  11. If the manned cash stations are only open part of the day be sure to
    1. Add the appropriate time and restrictions for transponder only toll collection
Note be sure to add the Driving is Prohibited period(s) if limited hours for manned toll station.