Translations:Benelux Roads (General)/14/en View history

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Er zijn wegen welke onder meerdere types geplaatst kunnen worden. Met name bij ringwegen (R-weg) komt het voor dat deze ook een N-weg is in de categorie Major Highway. Als voorbeeld is de ring R23 rond Leuven op grote delen ook N2 of N3. We maken in dat geval de ringweg Major Highway.
There are roads that could be classified by multiple street types. We think of ring roads (R-roads) which sometimes can also be a N-road categorized as Major Highway. For example, the ring road of Leuven, the R23, has long segments which are also N2 or N3. In these cases we catagorize the ring road as Major Highway.

Revision as of 10:11, 6 July 2017

There are roads that could be classified by multiple street types. We think of ring roads (R-roads) which sometimes can also be a N-road categorized as Major Highway. For example, the ring road of Leuven, the R23, has long segments which are also N2 or N3. In these cases we catagorize the ring road as Major Highway.