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=Map Editing=
* [[Editing your route on the map]]
* Editing Manual
** [[Cartouche - Update map]]
** [[How to fix scan problems (problems 1-31)]]
** [[How to fix merger problems (problems 51-60)]]
* [[How to label and name roads]]
===Map Editing - Different languages===

==United Kingdom==
* [[How to label and name roads (United Kingdom)]]
* [[How to label cities (United Kingdom)]]
* [[Motorway Progress tracking (United Kingdom)]]
* [[How to label and name roads (Netherlands)]]
* [[Checklist basiskaart]]
* [[Plaatsen in Nederland]]
* [[How to label and name roads (Italian)]]
* [[Straßen zuordnen und benennen]]
* [[Übersetzung der POIs aus Cartouch]]
* [[Anleitung fuer Benutzer]]
* [[Area Manager ToDo list - german]]
* Instruktioner till Cartouche
** [[Introduktion till Cartouche]]
** [[How to label and name roads (Sweden)]] dvs. Vägtyper och Namn
** [[SCAN problem 1-31]]
** [[MERGER problem 51-60]]
** [[Vanliga frågor och Svar ang. Cartouche]]
* [[Manual de uso]]
* [[Como categorizar y nombrar vías (España)]]
* [[Comment nommer les routes et les villes]]
* [[Cartouche - Carte d'édition]]
* [[Manuel d'édition (Petit manuel du parfait petit responsable de zone (Area manager))]]
* [[Problèmes de scan]]
* [[Avancement des zones]]
* [[Normalisation des POI]]
==Lietuviškai / Lithuanian==
* [[Klausimai ir atsakymai|Klausimai ir atsakymai (Lietuviškai / Lithuanian)]]
* [[Označovanie ciest na Slovensku]]
* [[Návod na úpravu máp (Cartouche)]]
* [[Area Managers na Slovensku]]
* [[Zmeny v doprave]]
* [[Značení cest v České republice]]
* [[POI - český překlad + doporučené využívání]]
* [[Návod na úpravu map - Cartouche]]
* [[Como categorizar e nomear vias (Brasil)]]
* [[Hvordan vi navngiver vejene(Denmark)]]
* [[How to label and name roads (Ireland)]]
* [[How to label suburbs and townlands (Ireland)]]
* [[Edicion de tu ruta en el mapa]]
* [[Como categorizar y nombrar vias]]
* [[Co warto wiedzieć o tworzeniu dróg?]]
* [[Kategorie dróg w Polsce]]
* [[Nazywanie ulic]]

Revision as of 00:05, 14 September 2010