West Virginia/WV MapRaid: Difference between revisions View history

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== Results ==
== Results ==
[[File:WV MapRaid HOF.jpg|centre|thumb|1092x1092px]]
[[File:WV-MR-FinalPhoto.png|900px|thumbnail|center|Raid Selfie!!]]
[[File:WV-MR-FinalPhoto.png|900px|thumbnail|center|Raid Selfie!!]]
== MapRaid Promotions ==
Some editors really let their bright side out, and let their community skills shine. This is even more evident in a concerted group effort with high-density editing like a MapRaid!. Editors of all ranks working closely with each other and the Champs, really lets everyone get to know each other, and allows certain editors to be recognized for their skills and effort.
When the Champs see someone consistently editing well, interacting well with the community, and knowledgeable of the various details from the Wiki, they can issue promotions. This can be anything from the size of a managed area, to a rank increase, or even a new role.
| type      = speculation
| text      = Watch here for results of promotions during and after the raid.

Latest revision as of 20:33, 30 July 2017

West Virginia MapRaid areas have been extended to stay open until 4/8/2017, raid stats and such will still be posted from the original date of 4/2/17 but feel free to continue to stay and edit until 4/8. All group and main GHO's will stay open until then.

Welcome to Wild, Wonderful West Virginia

Despite its relatively small size (24,000 square miles), the Mountain State is home to over 3,000 communities; approximately 450 of those are incorporated cities and towns. To link them (and to provide an important part of the transportation of the state’s abundant natural resources), there are some 39,000 miles of public roads, of which the State of WV maintains 35,000 miles (90%) of those roads. Included amongst these roads are 468 miles of Interstate Routes, 88 miles of the WV Turnpike, 835 miles of Federal Roadways, and 7,000 bridges (most less than 100 feet in length).

Map Raid Goals

The primary goal of the WV Map Raid is to review and connect basemap roads as well as update and review existing confirmed roads. Secondary goals are to review and edit all places and to resolve URs/PURs/MPs. If you are unsure if the items are completed, please contact your Group Leader.

We would like to perform these goals in the following order:

  1. Base Map / Connectivity
    • Please review the Basemap Wiki for steps to, and a guide for, editing basemap
      1. In addition to the steps in the Basemap wiki, please pay special attention to the following:
        • Look for and correct other state names on segments (OH/VA/KY/PA/MD)
        • Add Speed Limits (SL)
  2. Remove names and adjust Railroad (RR) segments (elevation/junctions/etc). Leave the name on "Cass Scenic Railroad" and "WVU PRT".
  3. Use the WV Place Browser to review and fix all places.
  4. Resolve User Reports (UR), Place Update Requests (PUR) and Map Problems (MP)

Raid Areas

Raid Groups

Group Assignments can be viewed in the spreadsheet here, or below. There are 5 groups, scroll right if you do not see your name.

Please join your group GHO with the link provided.

WV Raid Leadership

JasonN899 (PM [Help])   - GHO: JasonN - Raid Leader

stephenr1966 (PM [Help])   - GHO: Stephen - Local Champ, USA CM, West Virginia SM

roadtechie (PM [Help])   - GHO: Todd-roadtechie - USA CM, West Virginia SM


Please do not alter any of the following road types without first consulting your Group Leader: Freeways, Ramps, Major Highways, Minor Highways or Primary Streets.

Please do not mass-edit Do not perform edits which will affect large numbers of segments at once. The edit history of segments is highly valuable in the process of solving URs. Mass editing effectively mass erases this history, permanently. We ask that all necessary processes which might affect large portions of the map, or long stretches of roads, be reserved until near the end of the MapRaid. This includes the “Select entire street” function.

Complete each segment before moving on. When you find a point on the map to do an edit, please take the time to finish all the associated items with that edit before moving on. The basemap wiki is an excellent checklist for editing roads even if you are working on a road that is not basemap. Please refer to the guidance in the Map Raid Goals section for more information.

Anything locked at 5? Please check with your Group Leader before making changes. Rank 5 and 6 editors - consider keeping highlights active for locks.

West Virginia uses the concept of True Elevation on segments within the State. The use of True Elevation (TE) is to better represent segments in relationship with its surroundings/ground level. For more information please review the WV True Elevation Guidance page.

Please refer to the turn instruction override national guidance if you believe that a turn instruction override is warranted. If you have any questions please contact your Group Leader.

The Parking Lot Area Guidance has been recently updated. Please review before adding or updating any Parking Lot Areas. If you have any questions please contact your Group Leader.

Local Guidance

 WV Roads/Routes

Road names in West Virginia follow the nationwide Road Name guidance. Pay specific attention to the list of approved Abbreviations and acronyms, and when in doubt: "spell it out".

Road Naming

In general, use the data you find first on this list as the primary name and all other names/numbers as alternates.

  1. Use SV to find BGS/LGS - if available, this is the primary name.
  2. Use WVDOT data to find local name and route numbering (for the map raid, you’ll generally need the County Route information, CR-x or CR-x/y, but confirm higher named roads)
    • WVDOT GIS: consider installing the WME WV GIS Map script (script by MapOMatic). This script adds a "WVGIS" link to the bottom toolbar in WME. Click it to open a GIS map that contains data pulled from most of the relevant state and county (where available) GIS sources. The link will turn green to indicate the GIS map location is sync'ed to the WME map -- moving the WME map will move the GIS map (but not vice versa). If the link turns black, e.g. after refreshing WME, the location sync is broken. Simply click the WVGIS link again to restore the sync.
    • WVDOT County Maps (PDF): even if using the WVDOT GIS script, the PDF maps are a good overview of the different routes.
  3. County GIS maps
    • We highly recommend that you install the WME GIS script. This script will make it a lot easier to access the multiple County GIS websites.
    • If you do not wish to install these scripts please visit the West Virginia Cities and Towns page for all GIS links. NOTE: Not all WV counties have GIS links. Only hyperlinked county names are linked to the County GIS. City/Town names are hyperlinked to the WME Permalink. If you get confused digging through all of the different GIS sites, which will probably happen (it has to all of us), please contact your Group Leader for guidance.
  4. Parcel/lot information from County GIS sources or MapOMatic's WVGIS script. Note that the County GIS sources from step #3 are a more complete set of the sources. MapOMatic's WVGIS script contains some of the County information, but not all of it.
  5. USPS Address Search - check addresses and add as an alternate, as appropriate per the City Name guidance (which is clarified for West Virginia below).


  • If data is only available from a single source, use it.
  • If multiple sources conflict with a single source, use the road name confirmed by multiple sources and add the other names as alternates.
  • If it isn't possible to be sure about the primary name and there is already a primary name on the segment that matches any of the possibilities, then leave that name as primary and add the others as alternates.
  • Always include the name from the BGS/LGS and the name from parcel data.
  • If an address is outside the bounds of a CDP, include the USPS City as an alternate.
  • Steps 3 and 4 above may be included in the wme-wv-gis-map script (step 2), depending on the County.

Route Naming

West Virginia uses the WV-XXX format for all State Routes. For County Routes, CR-XX or CR-XX/YY is used. There are no Township Roads (TR-XXX) in West Virginia. In a few limited cases, there are special road names in use; if you see one, please do not delete it or ask a question first prior to deleting it. More detail and examples can be found here: WV Route Naming.

City Names

This is clarification for City Name guidance done during this MapRaid. If you have any other questions or concerns please involve your Group Leader. Please ensure that you have the Recommended Tools installed as these will help with Identifying City/CDP and USPS Zip Codes.

  1. The city name for the primary name is either the CDP name, incorporated city name, or None.
  2. If the segment falls within a City or CDP, then all alternate segment names should also include the same City/CDP. Do not add any USPS Zip Code City as an alternate city name. Example:
    Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
  3. If the segment falls outside of a City or CDP, then the primary city name should be left blank and the "None" check box selected. The primary segment name should be duplicated in the alternates and all alternate names should use the USPS Zip Code City name. Do not check "None" for any of the alternate city names
    Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

If the segment runs along the border between two Cities or CDPs, then the primary city name should be left blank and the "None" check box selected. The primary segment name should be duplicated in the alternates for both CIty/CDP names as well as the alternate segment names. Do not check "None" for any of the alternate city names. This guidance should also be applied when the segment falls outside of a City/CDP but borders two USPS Zip Code City. Example:

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination


Alleys in West Virginia follow the MAR guidance for Alleys.

Functional Classification

Functional Classification Will Not Be Part Of This Raid.

MAR Minimum Road Lock Standard

Minimum Road Lock Standard
Segment Type Direction Lock
 Freeway  5
 Ramp  4
 Major Highway  4
 Minor Highway  3
 Primary Street  One-way
 Street  Private Road  One-way
 |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| Railroad |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|  2
 • • • • Ferry • • • •   5
 ⁃     ⁃        ⁃        ⁃        ⁃ Runway ⁃        ⁃        ⁃        ⁃        ⁃  4
Other Named Types 5

Note that these are minimums and, for protection, certain segments may be at higher lock levels. If you find a road locked to a higher level than its minimum, please leave it locked no lower than that level when you have finished editing.

West Virginia Update Request Management

West Virginia has a very good grasp on Update Requests and Map Problems throughout the state. This will not be a "primary focus" of the raid, but please feel free to work any UR/PUR/MP's in your editable area. Remember to follow the Response Timeline guidelines below.

Response Timeline

(NOTE: all day values are relative to the date the FIRST editor response is sent to the reporter)

Day 0

The first editor who is able to respond to a User Report (UR) should attempt to resolve the UR. If they are successful, they should comment as such in the UR and mark it "Solved". If more information from the reporter is required to make progress towards closure, a response should be sent to the reporter containing the information needed for resolution.

Day 4+

Polite reminders should be sent to reporters who have not responded to the initial request for information at any time, provided at least four full days have elapsed since the initial response was sent

Day 8+

URs may be noted as closed due to lack of reporter response at any time, provided at least four full days have elapsed since the followup message was sent. These need to be marked as "Not Identified" and a brief comment sent.

Shared Ownership

All editors are considered to have equal ownership of and responsibility for all URs in West Virginia. All editors, regardless if they have worked the UR previously, may send any of the responses described above, provided they adhere to the minimum time spacing guidance between responses. All editors are explicitly encouraged to attempt to resolve URs at any point during their lifecycle, even if others happen to be actively working it at the same time.


The script URComments streamlines the process of responding to a UR and provides comments based on the UR type and can be edited prior to sending to fit your needs. Highly recommend you install this script if you will be responding to URs.


Cameras will not be mapped

§17C-6-7a of the West Virginia Code prohibits use of cameras to detect or prove traffic law violations. You can remove all Red Light or Speed Cameras in WV.

Place Editing

West Virginia follows the national Places guidance.

For specific WV naming standards please review the WV Naming Standards

To prevent loss of data due to automatic acceptance of submissions from "trusted users", all area places and points with complete data should be locked to Level 2 at a minimum. Additionally, please consult the following table for minimum lock level for completed places.

Place Type Minimum Lock Level
Area/Point Places 2
Gas Stations 3
Hospital/Medical Care 4
Fire Department 4
Police Station 4
Airports 4
Parking Lot Area (PLA) 3

Reference Links

West Virginia Wiki Page

If you have any questions regarding WV standards during editing and you cannot find the answer on this page, please visit the West Virginia Wiki Page.

West Virginia Map Raid Forum

New Editors

If you are new or relatively new to map editing, please CLICK HERE for some tips to get started; including settings, options, scripts, Wiki References, and instructions on lock requests and how to create a Permalink (PL). You do not need to join the WV GHO, you will be given an invitation to map raid specific GHOs.

Basic US Wiki Links

Recommended Tools for MR West Virginia

New editors should be aware there are many scripts and extensions that editors use to assist with editing that not only make some jobs easier, but verifies what we do is correct. The use of these scripts is highly encouraged and those listed below are the ones you should install, at a minimum, to get started.

TamperMonkey / GreaseMonkey

The most common and supported browser is Chrome with Firefox a close second. Install the appropriate one for your browser. This is needed to install other scripts.


This script validates a map area in Waze Map Editor, highlights issues, and generates a very detailed report with wiki references and how-tos.

Temporary Fix to Get Validator Working

Once you have installed Validator, you will need to install the following script into Tampermonkey:

Validator Fix Script

Then you will need to set it to Position #1:

1) Go To Tampermonkey Dashboard

2) Click Installed Userscripts Tab

3) Click On Waze Map Editor - Validator Fix

4) Click On Settings

5) Set Position to #1

6) Hard Refresh in WME

7) Install WV Scripts (below) to get the WV Localization File.

Install WV Scripts (script by JustinS83) to get several scripts specific to West Virginia. This script allows you to toggle between the scripts listed below as needed. Please note that a hard refresh is required when turning the WV Validator Localization or WV GIS Map scripts on or off. If the WV Script does not work for you, then you can try the individual links below.

  1. WV Validator Localization (original script by XanderB)
  2. West_Virginia Counties layer (original script by Rickzabel)
  3. WV City, Town, and Census Designated Place (CDP) (original script by Rickzabel)
  4. WV MapRaid Overlay (script by MapOMatic)
  5. WV GIS Map (script by MapOMatic)

This script also provides a direct link to West Virginia related forums, the WV Wazeopedia page, and to this page. If you have the standalone version of any of these scripts, they can be disabled or uninstalled. Many thanks to the script authors!


After Toolbox is installed it will add several things to the WME editor. At the top next to the Places Icon will be a picture of a toolbox. If you hover your mouse over it, a menu should open. Select the following options:

Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination

Other Recommended Scripts

  1. If you are working on Update Requests (UR), install UrComments . UR Comments is a script designed to streamline the process of responding to Update Requests. It can autofill the comment box based on UR type, or you can manually choose from the list of responses, depending on your preference.
  2. If you are working on places, install WME Closest Segment . It helps you determine the closest segment to the navigation stop point of a place. A line is drawn from a selected place (for point places) or its navigation point (for area places) to the nearest segment.
  3. WME Junction Angle Info . This script helps with junction maintenance. If two connected segments are selected, it shows the turn angle, and estimates navigation instructions. Otherwise it shows the the angle between each segment.
  4. WME Simple Permalink. Shortens WME permalinks by removing any layer and filter specifications.
  5. Place Harmonizer (WMEPH). Harmonizes, formats and locks a selected place. Also for Chains, please Submit New Chain Data for any that are not in the database. NOTE: Now Available for all editors, including R1!
  6. WME US Government Boundaries is a script by MapOMatic that will display USPS Zip Code Boundaries on the map.
  7. When working with House Numbers (HN), please use this script by JustinS83. It highlights un-nudged house numbers. WME HN Tool (JustinS83 fork)
  8. Edit Count Monitor will add a counter to the top "blue" bar. This script will show you how many edits you have and will also turn Yellow for a warning, and Red to alert you if you are being throttled.
  9. WV MapRaid Countdown Timer script shows how much time is left until the raid starts. After the raid starts, the script will display how much time remains. Thanks MapOMatic!!
  10. WME FS MVUM GIS Map opens a Forest Service Motor Vehicle Use Map in another window, at the same location as the WME map. Keeps the location of the GIS map synced to WME.

We have T-Shirts available on TeeSpring: I survived MapRaid! West Virginia


Raid Selfie!!