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<big>'''Complete Guide to Waze in Canada'''</big>
[[File:Wiki Canada@2x.png|center|link=Canada:]]
Since the USA and Canada share the same Waze server, many of the policies and best practices that have been developed for the USA also apply to Canada.  
*Since the USA and Canada share the same Waze server, many of the policies and best practices that have been developed for the US also apply to Canada. This page contains information that is unique to Canada. Because some of it is still being developed, please [[USA|follow the guidance for the US]] where it is not in conflict with the information here.
Canada maintains [[Canada:Main Page|a list of of all information which is unique to Canada]]. Please follow the guidance for the USA found in this wiki wherever it is not in conflict with the the information on the [[Canada:Main Page|Canadian page]].
*This page is now in development and available in [[Canada (Français)|French]].
== About Waze ==
Please see the article [[About|About Waze]]
== Getting Started ==
Please see the article [[Getting Started]].
Another great resource for new map editors is the [[Welcome to WME]].
== Help Improve Waze ==
Please see the article [[Help Improve Waze]]
=== Use your language skills ===
{{:Use your language skills}}
== Forums ==
'''Please''' check out the Canada-specific forums here: [ [1]]
Feel free to post questions and ask for advice in your editing. Our region is very different in a number of ways from the United States, so the generic editing guidelines don't always apply.
== Area/Country Managers ==
If you are an Area Manager that covers part of Canada, or a Country Manager that does a lot of work in Canada, please add yourself to this list. See comments via an "Edit" of this section to add yourself.
{| border="1"
|- align="center"
! scope="col" width="100pt" bgcolor="skyblue" | Username
! scope="col" width="200pt" bgcolor="skyblue" | Primary Areas Managed
! scope="col" width="200pt" bgcolor="skyblue" | Comments
! scope="col" width="50pt" bgcolor="skyblue" | [ Forum PM]
<!-- Sort by rank (GC, LC first, then 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  Tie break with alphabetical username --><!-- *** START AM/CM TABLE DATA - Edit After *** --><!-- *** Please leave a blank line between AM/CM entries *** -->
|- align="center"
| [[User:Doctorkb|doctorkb]]
| Western Canada (Alberta & BC)
| Waze Global Champ, Rank 6 CM for Canada; AM for Edmonton, Prince George, and various places in between
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:Hmarian|hmarian]]
| Ontario
| Waze Global Champ, Rank 6 CM for Canada; AM for Greater Toronto Area and the surrounding communities
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:SkiDooGuy|SkiDooGuy]]
| Saskatchewan
| Rank 6 CM / AM for Saskatchewan, Waze Local Champ (US)
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:EECGeek|EECGeek]]
| Ontario / Quebec, Canada
| Waze Local Champ (Canada), Rank 5 CM for Canada and US; AM for Ottawa/Gatineau, Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:James8970|james8970]]
| Western/Central Canada
| Waze Local Champ (Canada), Rank 5 CM for Canada
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:Webs101|Webs101]]
| Quebec
| Waze Local Champ (Canada), Rank 5 CM for Canada
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:manoeuvre|manoeuvre]]
| Ontario
| Waze Local Champ (Canada), Rank 5 CM for Canada, AM for Greater Toronto Area
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:Jay91150|Jay91150]]
| Alberta, Maritimes
| Waze Local Champ (Canada), Rank 5 CM for Canada, AM for Calgary
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:Joe01romano|joe01romano]]
| Eastern Canada
| Rank 5 CM / AM for Canada and US
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:Restless_in_NB|Restless_in_NB]]
| Atlantic Canada and Gaspe Peninsula
| Waze Local Champ (Canada), Rank 5 CM for Canada, AM for Atlantic Canada and Gaspe
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:Erablian|erablian]]
| Alberta
| Rank 4 AM for Alberta
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:kkarkid|kkarkid]] || Ontario || Ontario Manager || [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[phil-mtl|phil-mtl]]
| Quebec
| Rank 4 AM for Quebec
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:Kayos_On_The_Road|Kayos_On_The_Road]]
| British Columbia
| Waze Local Champ / Rank 4 AM for BC
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:IamtheLexx|IamtheLexx]]
| Ontario
| Rank 4 Niagara Region
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:CoolCanuck|CoolCanuck]]
| Southern ON <br /> Schreiber/Terrace Bay, ON <br /> Hearst/Constance Lake, ON Fox Valley, SK <br />
| Rank 3 AM in Central Ontario
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:Nagamasa|Nagamasa]]
| Southwestern Ontario
| Rank 3 AM based in GTA-Tricity area
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:PsstDizel|PsstDizel]]
| York Region
| Rank 3 AM North / West GTA
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:ShaneYYZ|ShaneYYZ]]
| Halton Region
| Rank 3 AM based in Ontario
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:mtylerb|mtylerb]]
| Central AB
| Rank 2 AM in Central AB
| [ PM]
|- align="center"
| [[User:Got2BeKD|Got2BeKD]]
| Manitoba & Saskatchewan
| Rank 3 AM in Manitoba & Central Western Saskatchewan
| [ PM]
<!-- *** END AM/CM TABLE DATA - Edit Before *** -->
<br/><!-- *** COPY BETWEEN HERE...
|- align="center"
| [[User:Username|Username]] || +/- Area1, Area2, ... || Any comments || [{INSERT YOUR USERNAME HERE & remove braces} PM]
=== AM / CM Requests ===
To request Area Manager or Country Manager access, please see this thread:
=== Unlock Requests ===
Canada has its own forum area for unlock requests. Please make&nbsp;[ your requests here].
== Closures ==
Please report road closures via  [ this form.]
This form allows for complete (or directional, i.e. A->B only) closures to be reported. Partial closures (i.e. one of two lanes in a direction) should not be reported.
Major Events (e.g. Commonwealth Games, Tour d'Alberta, etc.) should still be dealt with using the Waze Major Events form.
This method is preferred over adding restrictions -- it is nearly immediate (processed several times per day by Waze staff), and does not rely on a tile rebuild. The closure will also be visible in the app and on the livemap, in addition to avoiding routing through the segment.
== Problems and Issues ==
The [[Montreal Area]] has unique issues of its own.
== U-Turns ==
'''Practical application in Waze:''' restrict all u-turns in Canada unless there is a sign outright permitting them.
British Columbia Statute: [ Motor Vehicle Act of British Columbia]
Alberta Guidelines: [ A Driver's Guide to Operation, Safety and Licensing: Cars and Light Trucks]
Ontario Statute: R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 143. [ Highway Traffic Act]
Quebec Statute: Highway Safety Code [ [1]]
== City Naming ==
Towns, cities villages etc... To save space just put in the name of the city, example "Toronto" '''not''' "City of Toronto", or for smaller places use "Springfield" '''not''' "Town of Springfield" or "Village of Springfield".
'''''NEVER '''include the province in the City field.'' For example don't put in "Springfield, Qc" or "Springfield, On".
If you find a city that can't save without the province name (perhaps it changes when you save it, or generates other save error), please post a message in the applicable province's forum.
This applies to both primary names and alternate names -- the alternate city is assumed to be in the primary province and country.
== Road Naming ==
=== Highways ===
'''Minor/Major Highways'''&nbsp;should be named in this format:
::'''Hwy #'''&nbsp;(H is capitalized, the 'wy' in lower case, followed by a number)&nbsp;'''e.g. Hwy 16'''<br/>
::'''Not'''&nbsp;'Highway #' or 'HWY # (all caps)'.
::Where the signage indicates the highway based on a name ("Lougheed Hwy" or "Sooke Rd"), the name should be used. &nbsp;If, however, the signage refers to it by number primarily, that is to be the primary name, regardless of the local knowledge (e.g. the Sea-to-Sky Highway is signed as Hwy 99).
=== Abbreviations ===
Please follow the [ Canada Post street type abbreviation] at all times even if it diverges from BGS.
See [] for full details in English and French.
Check to make sure that the Canada Post Abbreviation has a working TTS. If it does not, then please check the list of abbreviations below.
Additionally, please do not shorten names when they are integral to understanding the street name:
  e.g. Bad: N St, S St, Ave Rd
  e.g. Good: North St, South St, Avenue Rd
Recommend using the [ Custom Canadian WME Validator Script]. It will highlight all the incorrectly abbreviated street names.
{| Border=1 style=text-align:left
|+ '''Streetname Abbreviations'''
! Approved Abbreviation
! Pronunciation
! Do Not Use
| Alley || Alley || Aly
| Aut ||Autoroute|| Autoroute
|Av|| Avenue (French)|| Avenue, Ave
|Ave|| Avenue (English) || Avenue, Av
|Bend|| Bend|| Bnd
|Blvd|| Boulevard|| Boulevard
|Boul|| Boulevard (French)|| Boulevard, Blvd
|Brg|| Bridge|| Bridge
|Bypass|| Bypass|| By-pass
|Carref|| Carrefour|| Carrefour
|Ctr|| Centre|| Centre, Center
|Ch|| Chemin|| Chemin
|Cir|| Circle|| Circle
|Circt|| Circuit|| Circuit, Cct
|Close|| Close|| Cl
|Common|| Common|| Common, Cmn
|Conc|| Concession|| Concession
|Crnrs|| Corners ||Corners,Cors
|Crt|| Court|| Court, Ct
|Cove|| Cove|| Cv
|Cres|| Crescent|| Crescent, Cr
|Crois|| Croissant|| Croissant, Croiss
|Crossing|| Crossing|| Cross, Xing
|Cds|| Cul-de-sac|| Cul-de-sac
|Divers|| Diversion|| Diversion
|Dr|| Drive|| Drive
|Éch|| Échangeur|| Échangeur
|Espl|| Esplanade|| Esplanade
|Estate|| Estates|| Estates, Est
|Expy|| Expressway|| Expressway, Expwy
|Harbr||Harbour||Harbour, Harbor, Hbr
|Pky||Parkway||Parkway, Pkwy
|Terr||Terrace||Terrace, Ter, Tce
|Tsse||Terrasse (French)||Terrasse, Terr
|Villge||Village||Village, Vlg
== Road Types ==
=== Within Metropolitan Areas ===
In the US, the DOT has a Functional Classification system which had been adopted by Waze Champs as the method for classifying different road types.  Overall, this has resulted in use of the highway types for arterial roads in the metropolitan areas, with the Primary Street type being available for collector-type roads.
Unfortunately, we don't have the same standardized government-published maps to adopt here, but we can consider many of the same principles.  This was first looked at in Edmonton, and seems to have been met with great success.
With that in mind, we'd like to consider the following criteria for use within metropolitan areas and any city with a population exceeding ~40,000.  In the event that the infrastructure of a smaller city has been designed with arterial routes, this may be adopted there, but will typically be less obvious.
If the local government has published maps that define arterial and collector routes, please use those to set the street types.
==== Changing of Types ====
As a highway enters a city/town, it often becomes a named street, and sometimes would no longer fit the usual criteria for a "highway".
Due to a number of reasons, including long-distance routing issues, as well as appearance, the highway should remain as the same type it entered the city/town (except if it's a Freeway -- if it no longer fits the Freeway criteria, it may be downgraded to Major Highway until it is again a Freeway).
The road type designation should follow the entire numbered route.
==== Freeways ====
{{Freeway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
In general, Freeways will have:
*Multi-Lane, divided road
*No cross traffic
*No stop lights (except for ramp meters)
*No stop signs
*No parking
*No stopping (except for [[Toll roads|toll booths]], freeway access metering, movable bridges, and traffic congestion)
*Highest speed limits (relative to region)
*Some have minimum speed limits
*Limited access:
**Access restrictions vary by region but some typical restrictions are:
***No pedestrians
***No bicycles
***No mopeds
***No Animal-Drawn Vehicles
**Entrance ramps are typically designed with an acceleration zone so that cars can accelerate up to freeway speeds before merging into freeway traffic
**Exit ramps are typically designed with a deceleration zone so that traffic can exit the freeway at freeway speeds without obstructing traffic, then have sufficient distance to slow down before any turns
When considering the road type, use the above noted Freeway classification as a guideline, with the idea that a Canadian "Freeway" may lack one of the criteria (e.g. Whitemud Freeway in Edmonton is 80 km/h, but meets all other criteria; Hwy 16 W of Edmonton doesn't have ramps for every junction, but meets all other criteria)
==== Major Highway ====
{{Major Highway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Use for major arterial roads.  Often these have 2-3 lanes (or more) in each direction, and may be structured to be turned into freeways eventually.  Usually this means relatively few intersections, higher speed limit, and higher capacity.
Additionally, if a road enters an area as a Freeway, but then loses its limited-access situation, it will generally continue on as a Major Highway.
If only one type of arterial is used by the municipality on their maps, the decision between a "major" and a "minor" will be that of relative importance and capacity.  Generally, a "major" will have 2+ lanes, whereas a minor may only have one.  Local knowledge is also especially useful in determining this.
==== Minor Highway ====
{{Minor Highway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Use for arterial roads.  They are more direct than using collector roads and sometimes have slightly increased speed limits.
==== Primary Street ====
{{Primary Street| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Suitable for collector roads through neighbourhoods and thoroughfares that aren't arterial.
=== Outside Metropolitan Areas ===
==== Trans-Canada Highway ====
{{Freeway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Road type: Freeway<br/>Primary name: Hwy ## (e.g. Hwy 1)<br/>Alternate: Trans-Canada Hwy
There are parts of the TCH that travel through National/Provincial parks with frequent stops, reduced speed and undivided portions. These segments should be reduced to a Major Highway until the speed increases, stops are minimized or the highway is divided again.
==== Quebec Roads ====
{{Freeway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Autoroutes, or limited access highways, such as the 20/40/55 or any *40 are considered freeways
The big exception to this rule is Autoroute 50 which is still a freeway, even though some small parts of it are not limited access and some are only two lane with no divider.
The official road map of Quebec should be consulted to determine the status of provincial routes. The map is available in [ French] and [ English].
{{Major Highway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Major highways on the map are in depicted in blue and should be blue in Waze.
{{Minor Highway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Minor highways in green on the map should be in green.
A very general rule of thumb is that 100-series highways are in red while 200 and 300-series highways are in yellow. This is not completely accurate, however, so please consult the official map.
==== Ontario Roads ====
{{Freeway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
All 400 series highways are in blue as they are limited access freeways. Also other highways, for example the 174 just east of Ottawa, are in blue as they are limited access.
{{Major Highway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Certain Major highways are two lane but are still in red because they collect the minor highways, and many county roads and we need to distinguish them, examples are the 174 east of Ottawa/Orleans, the 17, the 138, 38 the 7 in eastern Ontario.
{{Minor Highway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
County roads may be in yellow if they have higher speed limits than most main roads around them. Not all county roads should be designated "Minor Highway" -- grid roads should be addressed like Alberta's Range / Township Roads.
==== Manitoba Roads ====
===== Freeway =====
{{Freeway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Currently in Manitoba, only Hwy 1 (including the highways Hwy 1 splits into), like Hwy 100 and 101 (perimeter Hwy in Winnipeg) are listed as Freeway.
===== Major Highway =====
{{Major Highway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Major Highway is used for Highways designated as Provincial Trunk Highways, that are not considered a Freeway.  These Provincial Trunk Highways are numbered from 1 to 99 for mainline routes and 100 to 199 for loop/spur routes (only four currently exist).
===== Minor Highway =====
{{Minor Highway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
These Provincial Roads are numbered from 200 to 632. Some of these routes are gravel for part or all of their length.  As Waze lacks a road type for all-weather gravel roads, the consensus is to use "Dirt road / 4X4 Trail" for gravel highways in regions where paved alternative routes are available for many destinations, but to use "Minor Highway" in regions where there are no paved alternatives.
===== Rural Municipal Roads =====
Township and range roads are maintained and signed by the local rural municipality.  These roads should use locally signed names where available as the primary name.  Names such as Rd 74 N can be used as an alternate name, or as the primary name when a specific road name is not known, or the road does not have a name.  Unless specifically in a city, town or village, these roads should have "No City" selected at this time.
Township and Range roads are '''not''' highways and should be (at highest) Primary Street.
==== Saskatchewan Roads ====
===== Freeway =====
{{Freeway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Highway 1, Highway 16 (where twinned), Highway 11, Circle Drive in Saskatoon, Ring Rd in Regina.
===== Major Highway =====
{{Major Highway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Highways 1 - 99 when not at Freeway standards.  These highways connect major areas of the province.
===== Minor Highway =====
{{Minor Highway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Highways 100 - 399, and 900 - 999.  These highways connect cities and towns to other highways.
===== Primary Street =====
{{Primary Street| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Highways 600 - 799.  These are grid roads (6xx run North/South, 7xx run East/West).  While not as sturdy as other Highways, these roads will stand up to truck traffic and should be preferred over other rural roads.
===== Other Rural Roads =====
Other Rural roads should be entered as Dirt road / 4X4 Trail, as these should only be used for routing if no other option is easily available.
==== Alberta Roads ====
{{Freeway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Freeways in Canada need to follow a different standard than in the US.
Currently in Alberta, only ring roads (perimeter roads around a city), Hwy 1 (including the highways Hwy 1 splits into), Hwy 2, Hwy 16, and any highways with limited access (e.g. highways with no traffic lights, and access is exclusive to ramps entrances).
When considering the road type, use the above noted Freeway classification as a guideline, with the idea that a Canadian "Freeway" may lack one of the criteria (e.g. Whitemud Freeway in Edmonton is 80 km/h, but meets all other criteria; Hwy 16 W of Edmonton doesn't have ramps for every junction, but meets all other criteria)
{{Major Highway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
{{Minor Highway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Generally highways in the 1–216 series are major highways (except when they are freeways), and highways in the 500–999 series are minor highways. However, a highway with a letter suffix in its number should generally be one type lower than the corresponding highway without the letter suffix. For example Hwy 2A is major highway, one type lower than Hwy 2 (freeway), and Hwy 13A in Camrose is minor highway, one type lower than Hwy 13 (major highway).
Some highways in the 500–999 series are gravel, and this raises a dilemma for Waze editors because Waze lacks a road type for all-weather gravel roads. The consensus is to use "Dirt road / 4X4 Trail" for gravel highways in regions where paved alternative routes are available for many destinations, but to use "Minor Highway" in regions where there are no paved alternatives.
===== Township and Range Roads =====
Township and range roads are maintained and signed by the local municipal district (MD). Some MDs have chosen a numbering format with a hyphen before the last digit (e.g. “Township Rd 38-4”) but most have chosen a hyphenless format (e.g. “Range Rd 15”). In WME, the road names should follow the local format as used on the signs. Abbreviate “Rd” but leave “Township” and “Range” unabbreviated.
Township and Range roads are '''not''' highways and should be (at highest) Primary Street.
List (incomplete) of MDs that use hyphens: <!-- When adding, keep alphabetical order -->Clearwater County, Lacombe County, Mountain View County, Stettler County
==== British Columbia Roads ====
{{Freeway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Freeways in Canada need to follow a different standard than in the US.
When considering the road type, use the above noted Freeway classification as a guideline, with the idea that a Canadian "Freeway" may lack one of the criteria (e.g. Whitemud Freeway in Edmonton is 80 km/h, but meets all other criteria; Hwy 16 W of Edmonton doesn't have ramps for every junction, but meets all other criteria)
{{Major Highway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
{{Minor Highway| style= display: inline-block; width: 400px; height:15px;| }}
Highways are defined by the provincial numbering scheme. &nbsp;Any numbered route will be either a Freeway, Major Highway or Minor Highway, regardless of the use of stop lights or the path it takes through a city/town.
Additionally, streets that are named "Highway" (e.g. Barnet Highway in Burnaby) may also receive a highway classification.
Differentiation between a major and minor highway is largely based on its destination and importance of the route. &nbsp;Also,&nbsp;a highway with a letter suffix in its number should generally be one type lower than the corresponding highway without the letter suffix. For example Hwy 19A in Courtenay is major highway, one type lower than Hwy 19 (freeway), and Hwy 4A in Coombs is minor highway, one type lower than Hwy 4 (major highway).
=== Alleys ===
Alleys should not be added to the map.  In some cases (e.g. Vancouver and Toronto areas), we have left the ones in place, but in most cases they should be removed.
This is particularly relevant to basemapped areas that included them -- e.g. Saskatchewan -- small towns should certainly have the alleyways removed.
In places where they are retained, they should have their city name set and the "None" box checked for Street Name.  They should also be changed to Parking Lot street type.
=== Parking Lot Roads ===
Please read the [[Best_map_editing_practice#Parking_Lots|Best Map Editing guidelines]] on [[Parking_lot_road#Parking_Lot_Road|parking lot roads]] and use parking lot roads sparingly.
==Locking Standard==
Canada has active "Traffic Locks", these locks are based on usage from users. They are limited to a max rank of 4, but can be any rank below.
Segments that have restricted turns must be locked to a minimum Level 3.
<span style="color: red"><b>If the current lock or traffic lock is higher than the minimum standards listed below, please don't lower the lock.</b></span>
{| Border=1 style=text-align:center
|+ '''Minimum Road Locking Rank Standard'''
! Segment Type
! Minimum locks
| {{Freeway}} || colspan=2 | 4
| {{Ramp}} || colspan=2 | highest rank of connected segment
|[[Image:Arrow_Red-2.png‎]][[Image:Restriction arrow yellow mouseover.gif]] || colspan=2 | 3
| {{Major Highway}} || 4
| {{Minor Highway}} || 3
| {{Primary Street}} || colspan=2 | 2
| {{Street}} || colspan=2 | 1
| colspan=2 | 4
===Place Editing===
PUR should be reviewed for accuracy, once approved all relevant information pertaining to the place should be entered. Please use each company's website to gather all the information you can. Once a place is complete please lock to rank 3.
This practice will prevent app trusted users and most IGN editors from making incorrect changes to places we know are right. App trusted users and IGN editors are rarely rank 3.
Following are general standards for place locking in Canada:
{| Border=1 style=text-align:center
|+ '''Place Minimum Locking Rank Standard'''
! Place Type
! Minimum locks
| Airports || 4
| Hospitals || 4
| Major Tourist Attractions/Landmarks ||  4
| Police/Fire Stations || 3
| Gas Stations || 3
===Telephone Number Format for Waze Places===
*NPA is the [ Area Code]
*NXX is the [ prefix]
*XXXX is the 4 digit block
This number format allows mobile phones, regardless of their home network, to dial a number without having to modify the number first.
==Place Naming==
Place Naming in Canada should adhere to the following guidelines. Following the government agency naming guide is a list of businesses which are chains or franchises. Please use these name spellings when creating or updating a place.
Hospitals with Emergency Rooms must have a separate Waze Place with "ER/Urgence" prefixed in the primary name, for example:
:ER - Brampton Civic Hospital
:ER - St. Michael's Hospital
:Urgence - Hôpital de Verdun
===Government Agencies===
'''Police Stations''': City, Agency followed by division name, for example:
:Toronto Police 12 Division
:Peel Police 22 Division
:OPP Collingwood Detachment
'''Fire Stations''': City, Agency followed by station number, for example:
:Brampton Fire Station 221
:Toronto Fire Station 347
===Place Name Harmonization===
If you don't find the business you're looking for, please  [ use this form] to submit the missing information.
{{#widget:Google Spreadsheet
== When to use Area or Point in Canada ==
Here is the Canadian guidance on selecting Area or Point for Places in the Waze Map Editor.
'''Optional Area''' shall only be used after consulting local area managers on regional guidelines. The place must be a significant landmark with navigational value in the community. For example: a Tim Hortons in Hepburn, SK (population 500) is of significance. However, the same sized Tim Hortons is of zero significance in the Greater Toronto Area.
We do not want to impose hard & fast rules for the '''Optional Area''' category. Please use some judgement, we do not want to see wall-to-wall areas for every single building structure on the map.
'''Optional Area''' shall be landmarked to just the building structure only, do not include the parking lot area.
'''Fence-line Areas''' shall be landmarked from fence line to fence line to include all parking lots, roads, and anything associated with the property. Parking lot roads (PLRs), parking lots, and gas stations all serve the same purpose.
{{Red|The Primary Category for a Place is used to determine whether to use a Point or Area.}}
{| border="1" cellpadding="2" width="100%" style="font-size:small;" class="sortable"
! width="23%" style="background-color:#59899e; color:white" | Parent
! width="27%" style="background-color:#59899e; color:white" | Category
! width="15%" style="background-color:#59899e; color:white" | Type
! width="42%" style="background-color:#59899e; color:white" class="unsortable" | Comments
| Car Services
| Car Wash
| Point
| Car Services
| Charging Station
| Point
| Car Services
| Garage / Automotive Shop
| Point
| Car Services
| [[Places/Gas Station|Gas Station]]
| Fence-line Area
| Many gas stations also have convenience stores and ATMs. Remember to use "Gas Station" as the primary category and the add any others which are relevant. Please see the [[Places/Gas Station]] article.
| Car Services
| [[Places/Parking lot|Parking Lot]]
| Both
| There are very few parking lots which should be mapped at all. Please see the [[Places/Parking lot]] article.
| Transportation
| Airport
| Fence-line Area
| Special-handling
| Transportation
| Bridge
| Area
| Should only be use for bridges with significance: Peace Bridge, Golden-gate Bridge
| Transportation
| Bus Station
| Point
| Transportation
| Ferry Pier
| Point
| Transportation
| Junction / Interchange
| Area
| Will not be used in Canada.
| Transportation
| Seaport / Marina / Harbor
| Area
| Size-dependent.
| Transportation
| Subway Station
| Point
| Transportation
| Taxi Station
| Point
| Transportation
| Train Station
| Point
| Transportation
| Tunnel
| Area
| Professional and public
| Cemetery
| Fence-line Area
| Professional and public
| City Hall
| Point
| Professional and public
| College / University
| Area
| Professional and public
| Conventions / Event Centre
| Area
| Size-dependent
| Professional and public
| Courthouse
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Professional and public
| Embassy / Consulate
| Area
| Professional and public
| Factory / Industrial
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Professional and public
| Fire Department
| Area
| Professional and public
| Government
| Optional Area
| Professional and public
| Hospital / Medical Care
| Area
| '''ONLY''' Hospitals, Emergency Rooms, and places offering '''''Urgent'' Medical Care''' should use this category. ERs encompassed in a hospital Place Area should be Points.
Clinics, and Medical offices which ''do not'' offer urgent medical care for Walk-Ins should use the Office, (and any other appropriate) category instead.
| Professional and public
| Information Point
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Professional and public
| Kindergarten
| Point
| Professional and public
| Library
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Professional and public
| Military
| Area
| Professional and public
| Offices
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Professional and public
| Organization or Association
| Point
| Professional and public
| Police Station
| Area
| Professional and public
| Prison / Correctional Facility
| Area
| Professional and public
| Post Office
| Point
| Professional and public
| Religious Centre
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Professional and public
| School
| Fence-line Area
| Shopping and services
| Arts & Crafts
| Point
| Shopping and services
| Point
| Shopping and services
| Bank / Financial
| Point
| Shopping and services
| Bookstore
| Point
| Shopping and services
| Car Dealership
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Shopping and services
| Car Rental
| Point
| Shopping and services
| Convenience Store
| Point
| Shopping and services
| Currency Exchange
| Point
| Shopping and services
| Department Store
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Shopping and services
| Electronics
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Shopping and services
| Fashion and Clothing
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Shopping and services
| Flowers
| Point
| Shopping and services
| Furniture / Home Store
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Shopping and services
| Gifts
| Point
| Shopping and services
| Gym / Fitness
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Shopping and services
| Hardware Store
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Shopping and services
| Jewellery
| Point
| Shopping and services
| Laundry / Dry Cleaning
| Point
| Shopping and services
| Market
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Shopping and services
| Music Store
| Point
| Shopping and services
| Personal Care
| Point
| Shopping and services
| Pet Store / Veterinarian
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Shopping and services
| Pharmacy
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Shopping and services
| Photography
| Point
| Shopping and services
| Shopping Centre
| Area
| Shopping and services
| Sporting Goods
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Shopping and services
| Supermarket / Grocery
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above. Must be a Point if it is part of larger shopping mall/center.
| Shopping and services
| Swimming Pool
| Point
| Shopping and services
| Toy Store
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Shopping and services
| Travel Agency
| Point
| Food and drink
| Bakery
| Point
| Food and drink
| Bar
| Point
| Food and drink
| Coffee shop
| Point
| Food and drink
| Dessert
| Point
| Food and drink
| Fast Food
| Point
| Food and drink
| Food Court
| Point
| Food and drink
| Ice Cream
| Point
| Food and drink
| Restaurant
| Point
| Culture & entertainment
| Art Gallery
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Culture & entertainment
| Casino
| Area
| Large hotel-casinos perhaps could be Area Places.
| Culture & entertainment
| Club
| Point
| Culture & entertainment
| Game Club
| Point
| Culture & entertainment
| Movie Theater
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Culture & entertainment
| Museum
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Culture & entertainment
| Music Venue
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Culture & entertainment
| Performing Arts Venue
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Culture & entertainment
| Racing Track
| Area
| Culture & entertainment
| Stadium / Arena
| Area
| Culture & entertainment
| Theme Park
| Area
| Culture & entertainment
| Theater
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Culture & entertainment
| Tourist Attraction / Historic Site
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Culture & entertainment
| Zoo / Aquarium
| Area
| Size-dependent
| Other
| Construction Site
| Area
| Do not map in Canada.
| Lodging
| Bed & Breakfast
| Point
| Lodging
| Camping / Trailer Park
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Lodging
| Cottage / Cabin
| Point
| Lodging
| Hostel
| Point
| Lodging
| Hotel
| Point
| Outdoors
| Beach
| Area
| Do not map without a name.
| Outdoors
| Golf Course
| Area
| Outdoors
| Park
| Area
| Do not map without a name.
| Outdoors
| Playground
| Area
| Do not map without a name.
| Outdoors
| Plaza
| Point
| Unsure about mapping these at all
| Outdoors
| Promenade
| Point
| Unsure about mapping these at all
| Outdoors
| Scenic Lookout / Viewpoint
| Point
| Outdoors
| Ski Area
| Area
| Outdoors
| Sports Court
| Point
| Can be Optional Area see notes above.
| Natural features
| Farm
| Area
| Do not map without a name.
| Natural features
| Forest / Grove
| Area
| Only map official state/national forests, not every stand of trees.
| Natural features
| Island
| Area
| Natural features
| River / Stream
| Area
| Use only if water itself is visually obvious to drivers on nearby roads. Do not remap features already present in the built-in Waze water layer unless that layer is incomplete or inaccurate. Map only the typical extent of visible water, not adjacent open space, greenbelt, culvert, meadows, or flood plain.  If the river/stream is too narrow to map conveniently with an Area Place, it should not be mapped at all.
| Natural features
| Sea / Lake / Pond
| Area
| Use only if water itself is visually obvious to drivers on nearby roads. Do not remap features already present in the built-in Waze water layer unless that layer is incomplete or inaccurate. Map only the typical extent of visible water, not adjacent beaches or land.  If the feature is too small to map conveniently with an Area Place, it should not be mapped at all.
== Emergency Vehicle Roads [[File:Service road.png|200px|Service road.png]] ==
[[File:Emergency.jpg|right|300px|Emergency.jpg]] "Emergency and Authorized Vehicles Only" are to be treated as Non-drivable roads. These are found primarily through the median of divided highways to connect opposite direction lanes.  
*Recommended not to map them in Canada.
Please do not use the [[Ferries|ferry road type]], it's not yet functional in Waze. Canada will adopt [[Road_types/USA#Ferry|U.S. guidelines]] with respect to ferries.
* Use the FC/RC classification of the road leading to the ferry crossing.
* If the ferry has a toll, mark it as a [[Best_map_editing_practice#Toll_roads|toll road]].
== Technical information ==
Please see the article [[Technical Information]].

Latest revision as of 02:07, 20 February 2017


Since the USA and Canada share the same Waze server, many of the policies and best practices that have been developed for the USA also apply to Canada. Canada maintains a list of of all information which is unique to Canada. Please follow the guidance for the USA found in this wiki wherever it is not in conflict with the the information on the Canadian page.