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| | = Premiestnenie spojovacieho uzla = |
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| ==Introduction==
| | Pri úpravách mapy je niekedy potrebné premiestniť existujúcu hranicu obce alebo hranicu [[Rýchlostné obmedzenia|najvyššej dovolenej rýchlosti]] na nové (výhodnejšie) miesto. Uchopenie spojovacieho uzla (junction) a presunutie na novú pozíciu je jednoduchý úkon, ale nie je to vždy správne riešenie. |
| ''This forms part of [[United Kingdom#Editing Best Practice|UK Editing Best Practice]]. Editors are encouraged to follow these guidelines.''
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| |
| ==Abbreviations==
| | Je potrebné si uvedomiť, že k segmentom ciest, po ktorých už jazdili wazeri, sú pripojené dáta o priemernom čase prejazdu (priemer z historických časov). |
| The following abbreviations should be used where possible to conserve screen space.
| |
| |
| {| class="wikitable sortable" style="background:white; font-size:80%; margin: 1em auto 1em auto" border="1"
| | == Kedy posunúť a kedy prekresliť == |
| |-
| | Ak editor posunie uzol, spájajúci dva segmenty tak, že jeden segment skráti a druhý predĺži, zmenia sa dĺžky segmentov, ktoré mali uchovaný svoj priemerný čas prejazdu. Priemerný čas prejazdu sa však nezmení. Takáto deformácia (predĺženie) potom môže spôsobiť, že za normálnej premávky obyčajnú rýchlosť server vyhodnotí ako podpriemernú, keďže aktuálna doba prejazdu predĺženým segmentom je zrazu dlhšia. Takto upravený segment zrazu začne vykazovať spomalenie premávky, resp. až zápchu (falošné indikovanie na mieste, kde v skutočnosti žiadne spomalenie nie je). |
| ! Road Name
| | <br /> |
| ! Abbreviation
| |
| ! TTS Expansion?
| |
| |-
| |
| | Avenue
| |
| | Ave
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Boulevard
| |
| | Blvd
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Broadway
| |
| | Bdwy
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Circus
| |
| | Cir
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Close
| |
| | Cl
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Court
| |
| | Ct
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Crescent
| |
| | Cr
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Drive
| |
| | Dr
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Garden
| |
| | Gdn
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Gardens
| |
| | Gdns
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Green
| |
| | Gn
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Grove
| |
| | Gr
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Junction (as in Motorway Jxx)
| |
| | J
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Lane
| |
| | Ln
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Mount
| |
| | Mt
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Place
| |
| | Pl
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Park
| |
| | Pk
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Ridge
| |
| | Rdg
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Road
| |
| | Rd
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Saint
| |
| | St.
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Square
| |
| | Sq
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Street
| |
| | St
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Terrace
| |
| | Ter
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Valley
| |
| | Val
| |
| | Yes
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| Notes:
| | ;Posunutie spojovacieho uzla |
| # Roads like "The Avenue", "The Green" etc should not normally be abbreviated.
| | na novú pozíciu je rýchla a jednoduchá úprava a je vhodné ju použiť v nasledujúcich prípadoch: |
| # TTS = Text To Speech
| |
| |
| ==Road types==
| | *spojenie málo jazdených bočných uličiek |
| The following convention should be followed where possible, although it is acknowledged that you may need to deviate from it in some circumstances.
| | *spojenie ciest na parkovisku |
| | *spojenie súkromných ciest |
| | *spojenie lesných a poľných ciest |
| | *pri posunutí spojenia o '''menej ako 25% dĺžky kratšieho zo segmentov''' |
| | *zarovnanie ciest (malé zmeny dlhých segmentov). |
| |
| {| class="wikitable unsortable" style="background:white; font-size:80%; margin: 1em auto 1em auto" border="1"
| | ;Prekreslenie spojovacieho uzla |
| |-
| | je pracnejšia úprava, ale v konečnom dôsledku je menej deštruktívna na prejazdné časy segmentov ako presunutie uzla. Prekreslenie znamená rozdelenie jedného segmentu v mieste nového spojenia, a následné vymazanie starého uzla, pričom sa dĺžky ako aj časy segmentov proporčne rozdelia resp. sčítavajú. |
| ! Waze Road Type
| |
| ! UK Road Types
| |
| |-
| |
| | Freeway
| |
| | Motorway & Motorway class A roads
| |
| |-
| |
| | Major Highway
| |
| | A-class roads that are classified as Primary Routes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Minor Highway
| |
| | Non-primary A-class roads
| |
| |-
| |
| | Primary Street
| |
| | B-class roads and unclassified roads carrying heavier traffic, often seen on Ordnance survey maps in yellow or orange.
| |
| |-
| |
| | Street
| |
| | Urban Streets, Low traffic rural roads
| |
| |-
| |
| | Private Road
| |
| | Road with no access for the general public, or public road with legal prohibition on through routing in both directions (normally "private road" sign, "no motor vehicles except for access" sign, or a closable gate)
| |
| |-
| |
| | Parking Road
| |
| | Roads within a car park, or other places where we don't want Waze to monitor speed and potentially generate a traffic jam report, in particular petrol station forecourts. See also advice elsewhere about not overmapping car parks.
| |
| |-
| |
| | Dirt Road / 4x4 Trail
| |
| | Unsurfaced road, or a ford (water-splash) which is often impassable for normal cars.
| |
| |-
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| For Freeways leave the City Name as "None", so as to stop the City Names smearing.
| | Pri prekreslení postupujte nasledovne: |
| For Motorway class A roads, name as Axx(M). (No spaces).
| | # Na segmente v mieste novej polohy spojenia '''vytvorte nový uzol'''. Viď. [[Rýchla príručka pre editora#Rozdelenie segmentu|vytvorenie uzla]]. |
| | # '''Vymažte starý uzol''' (pôvodné miesto spojenia) Viď [[Rýchla príručka pre editora#Vymazanie pripojenia|Vymazanie pripojenia]]. |
| |
| Non-drivable - aren't really worth adding, as Waze is an app aimed at commuters who drive, but if you really feel the need to add these, be careful and make sure that they DO NOT connect to drivable roads as Waze has been known to route people along footpaths and the like!
| | Prekreslenie je výhodné v nasledujúcich prípadoch: |
| | *pri spojeniach premiestnených o '''viac ako 25% dĺžky kratšieho zo segmentov''', |
| | *zarovnanie ciest (veľké zmeny krátkych segmentov). |
| |
| ===Primary Route Network===
| | Pamätajte, že pri prekreslení spojenia je veľmi dôležité skontrolovať [[Rýchla príručka pre editora#Šípky pripojenia|šipky pripojenia]] ({{Key press|Shift+Z}}). |
| The PRN is defined by A roads which connect between Primary Destinations, and have green signs along them. We use the [http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/opendata/viewer/ Ordnance Survey Maps] as our source for this classification, i.e. the roads marked in green colour. The [http://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=21043 WMEOpenData] extension for Firefox and Chrome can overlay this same data directly within the editor.
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| |
| ===Exceptions===
| | Prekresľovanie zložitých križovatiek a kruhových objazdov je potrebné pred zmenou prediskutovať na fóre. |
| As with any rule, there will be some exceptions. There are two specific scenarios which are allowed to deviate from the OS map:
| |
| * If there's an A road that connects between motorway or PRN networks, then it should also be Major Highway
| |
| * If a section of primary road is restricted to some traffic, and there is another primary route nearby, then it can be demoted to Minor Highway
| |
| Exceptions shall be discussed on the forum and documented below, and can be locked to a higher rank.
| |
| |
| {| class="wikitable sortable" style="background:white; font-size:80%; margin: 1em auto 1em auto" border="1"
| | Niektoré veľké natiahnutia segmentu nie je možné vo WME uložiť, to je ochrana pred neprimeranou deformáciou. |
| |-
| |
| ! Exception
| |
| ! Reason
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-0.28643&lat=51.72331&layers=1925&zoom=3&segments=163428226,163428225,143822319,205752232,205752224,205752225,205752226,205752227,205752228,205752229,205752230,205752231,181508368,181508386,121796330,1217974747 A1080 London Colney Bypass]
| |
| | Joins A414 to M25
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=0.53269&lat=51.37885&layers=1477&zoom=5&segments=195065580,121349720,121349777 A2, Chatham]
| |
| | The High Street is restricted to buses only. The A2 New Rd to the south is the preferable route.
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=0.51927&lat=51.27211&layers=999&zoom=6&segments=147537844,258208028,145281435,258208012,145281463 A20, Maidstone]
| |
| | Not PRN - Several bus/taxi only roads adjacent to the A20.
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=1.29936&lat=51.13732&layers=2528&zoom=3 A256, Dover]
| |
| | The entire A256 road network south of A2 is not PRN. See [http://www.sabre-roads.org.uk/wiki/index.php?title=A256 Sabre] for details.
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-0.31730&lat=51.30045&zoom=4&segments=151641217 A283, Leatherhead]
| |
| | Link between A24 PRN and motorway junction.
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-1.08944&lat=50.80436&layers=517&zoom=5&segments=121077811,121073655,121076956,121075405,121078199 A3, Portsmouth]
| |
| | The main "Out of City" route is signposted North along Hope Street.
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-0.24360&lat=51.46508&layers=1413&zoom=6&segments=121642497,121634609,121634610 B306, Roehampton]
| |
| | Turning right from A205 to A306 is only possible via this small loop of B road.
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-0.15352&lat=51.46929&layers=516&zoom=3&segments=121625768,209431243,211047697,211047698,121626845,121630345,121630348,121630362,121638725,180310147,180310146,180322865,180322864 A3216, Battersea]
| |
| | Shown as PRN in the OS data, but not signed as a primary route in Streetview imagery. ''Would benefit from site visit to confirm current status.''
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-0.69033&lat=52.03288&layers=1797&zoom=2&marker=true A4146/A509 Milton Keynes]
| |
| | Joins A5 (PRN) to A421 (PRN) to M1
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-0.69525&lat=52.45202&layers=1933&zoom=2&segments=255004649 A43, Corby/Kettering]
| |
| | New road, compliments the now renamed A4300. Road signs are green, OS zoom7 shows both old and new roads as PRN.
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-0.08845&lat=53.55233&layers=357&zoom=4&segments=122945933,122945942,122945926,148661482,122948056,122948058,122948712,122948710,122945958,122947469,122948977,200821113,200821110,122947471,151918333,122948381 A46, Grimsby]
| |
| | Link End of A46 shown by OS as PRN with A16 as Major Highway. These roads are signed as green.
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-2.04062&lat=52.67383&layers=4&zoom=2&marker=true A460, Cannock]
| |
| | Newer A460 replaces older A4601
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-2.21586&lat=53.03124&layers=1445&zoom=4 A527, Newcastle Under Lyme]
| |
| | This is not part of the PRN anymore since the link road was built to the A500 at the junction of Grange Ln and Church Ln.
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-2.28989&lat=53.59545&layers=4087&zoom=5&segments=182125798,193907883,193907884,193906927,193906924,193906923,193908118,193908117,193907633,190400529,185429030,190408901 A56, Bury]
| |
| | Joins the PRN between A56 and A58.
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/editor/?env=row&lon=-2.49294&lat=53.52383&layers=4071&zoom=6&segments=123434240,123434232,123434238,123434246,253701794,253700686,253701791,253701793,253701790,123430401,231620540,123435169,123434203,123438182,123438181,197647237,197647236,197647233 A577, Atherton]
| |
| | Eastern and southern section passes through a pedestrianised zone. Bag Ln at the western end is signposted as PRN and needed to complete the route eastbound and westbound.
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-2.30370&lat=53.59403&layers=4087&zoom=6&segments=185360291,185360292,193828317,185353645 A58, Bury]
| |
| | Joins the PRN turning right from A58 to A56.
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-1.20739&lat=52.77179&layers=2023&zoom=5&segments=122662087,122663189,122661798,122662095,122662188,249963055,249963056,122664053,246768325,246242310,249763741,249763714,122663256,122662192 A6, Loughborough]
| |
| | The central area of Loughborough has been pedestrianised and the A6 has been diverted along an upgraded relief road.
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-0.95910&lat=52.96680&layers=485&zoom=4 A6097, Newton (Notts)]
| |
| | The spur of the A6097 is not shown as PRN but roads are green on signs, the link roads going to/from A46 (S) Ramps have also been set as major highway to ensure a continuous route (these were formerly the A46). Note: The Aerials and Street-view here are significantly out of date following the upgrading of the A46 to Dual carriageway, the current layout was checked with a physical site survey.
| |
| |-
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| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-0.85782&lat=53.74229&layers=677&zoom=3&segments=188590706,122968607,188590707,122968713,165102444,165102443,165102437,122968663,122969112,137346838,122969113,143395496 A614, Howden]
| |
| | OS Map doesn't connect the primary route to the motorway, leaving a gap that could affect routing.
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-0.85782&lat=53.74229&layers=677&zoom=3&segments=188590706,122968607,188590707,122968713,165102444,165102443,165102437,122968663,122969112,137346838,122969113,143395496 A617, Mansfield]
| |
| | A617 is shown as Primary in some sources, and does have green signs
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/en-GB/editor/?env=row&lon=-2.22223&lat=53.49541&layers=1280&zoom=3&segments=123308871,123308962,123309707,123310274,123310277,123310282,123310287,123310324,123310331,123322330,123322697,123322698,147724993,147724994,147724995,242320160,242320161,262050406,262050407,265468821,123310323,123321019,123308877,123309718,123309719,123309334,123308549,261167747,261167753,261167748,261167811,148981188 A664, Manchester]
| |
| | Streetview of Rochdale Rd shows it has white signs, so it is not PRN.
| |
| |-
| |
| | [https://www.waze.com/editor/?env=row&lon=-2.23778&lat=53.48840&layers=388&zoom=5&segments=242320159,242320158,177396508,254006220,254006221,177396094,242320157,242320402,242320162,181459929,253811568&marker=true A665, Manchester]
| |
| | Recent roadworks have made A665 - Miller St one way, so it makes sense to promote the other way.
| |
| |
| |} | | {{mbox|type=important|text=Pred každým presúvaním vykonajte dôsledné [[Zarovnanie podkladovej mapy|zarovnanie mapy]]!}} |
| |
| ==Dual Carriageways== | | ==Pozri tiež== |
| The following convention should be followed where possible, although it is acknowledged that you may need to deviate from it in some circumstances.
| | *Modelový príklad výpočtu rýchlostí pri rôznych spôsoboch premiestnenia hranice obce [//www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=275&t=188107&start=20#p1402136]. |
| | | *[[Czech/Navigacni server|Jak funguje navigační server]] [[File:Cz.png]] |
| ===When to Split===
| |
| | |
| A road should be split into be 2 one-way roads if any of the following conditions are met:
| |
| # The central reservation is > 5m
| |
| # There's a visible gap between average of all GPS traces
| |
| # It is split by physical barrier (Concrete, Armco, pedestrian barrier etc)
| |
| | |
| | |
| Pedestrian refuges and painted road separation (cross hatching that can be driven over) should not normally be split. Be aware there are a lot of these that were created as split roads during the UK Base-map import, these usually need merging to be a single two-way road.
| |
| | |
| ===Naming Convention===
| |
| Whenever possible, on split roads, name carriageways with the direction of travel. Insert the direction of travel at the end of the road name:
| |
| | |
| Examples:
| |
| 1. M1 (N)
| |
| 2. A4 (W)
| |
| 3. M25 (ACW)
| |
| 4. A57(M) (W)
| |
| | |
| This makes traffic and incident reports much more useful and helps with navigation.
| |
| | |
| ==Ramps (to/from Motorways and Dual Carriageways)==
| |
| | |
| ===Where should I start the sliproad?===
| |
| | |
| For best navigation and routing advice, sliproads leading:
| |
| | |
| ''off'' a Motorway or Dual Carriageway should be placed to start where
| |
| | |
| * The lane begins to divide (in the case of 3/2/1 markers) | |
| * There is a gantry over the carriageway, where the 1 mile, 1/2 mile etc finishes. This will usually be the last gantry before the actual junction and will be the one without a distance marker on it
| |
| | |
| ''on'' to a Motorway or Dual Carriageway should be placed where
| |
| | |
| * the road first joins the adjoining road, i.e. just after the chevrons/lane dividers
| |
| | |
| | |
| ===Naming Ramps===
| |
| | |
| The following convention should be used for sliproads (ramps):
| |
| | |
| | |
| '''Exit Ramps:'''
| |
| | |
| # J<Junction Number> (to <Road Number 1>, <Road Number 2> …)
| |
| # <Junction Name> (to <Road Number 1>, <Road Number 2> …)
| |
| # Junction to <Road Number 1>, <Road Number 2>…
| |
| # (<Services name>) Services
| |
| | |
| If the junction has a name ''displayed on the signs'' on approaches to it, then that should be used for the ramp name (#2). Otherwise, ramps should start with the word "Junction" (#3).
| |
| | |
| Examples:
| |
| 1. J4 to A464
| |
| 2. Tibbet's Corner to A219
| |
| 3. Junction to A3
| |
| 4. Beaconsfield Services
| |
| | |
| See discussion at https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=65194.
| |
| | |
| '''Entry Ramps:'''
| |
| | |
| “Entry to” <Road Number> (<Direction>) (<Junction Number>)
| |
| | |
| Examples:
| |
| 1. Entry to M54 (E) J4
| |
| 2. Entry to A46 (N)
| |
| 3. Entry to M1 (S) J24
| |
| 4. Entry to M1 (N) J24
| |
| 5. Entry to M25 (N) J15
| |
| 6. Entry to M5 (N)
| |
| | |
| | |
| ''Notes:
| |
| # Fields marked in parenthesis (<field>) are optional.
| |
| # Onward roads should only added if they are shown on road signage as this is an aide to the driver to confirm they have the correct exit ''[Hint: look on streetview]''
| |
| # Roads with clockwise or anticlockwise directions (e.g. M25) should have have ramp directions taken from signage which will typically be N, S, E or W (e.g. Entry ramp example 5) ''[Hint: look on streetview]''
| |
| # Both Exit example 4 and Entry example 6 above refer to [[United_Kingdom/Roads#Motorway_Service_Area.27s|Motorway Service Area]] (MSA) entry/exit ramps that do not have a junction number. Where an MSA is integrated into a standard junction normal ramp naming applies.
| |
| # Please set the City Name to "None". (ie Put a tick in the box, don't actually name it "None"). This should help with City smudges.
| |
| | |
| ==Junction Naming==
| |
| Major junctions, particularly on motorways, should be labelled with a landmark.
| |
| | |
| Under no circumstances should the road name or city name fields of a segment be used for naming of a junction.
| |
| | |
| ==Road Name & Number==
| |
| Where a road exhibits both a road number and name the following convention should be used:
| |
| | |
| <Number> - <Name>
| |
| | |
| Examples:
| |
| 1. A7 - Old Dalkeith Rd
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| 2. A1 - Edinburgh Rd
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| This gives both a consistent appearance and allows a straightforward transfer if/when Waze UK moves to the official Department for Transport designations.
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| The same can also be said for adding the direction of travel on single/dual carriageways with an A-road designation in the form
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| | |
| <Number> (Direction) - <Name>
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| Examples:
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| 1. A2 (W) - Dover Rd
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| 2. A229 (N) - Cuxton Rd
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| ==Roundabouts==
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| Roundabout segments should typically remain '''unnamed'''. If the roundabout does have a proper, signposted name, then this can be labelled using a landmark of "Junction/Intersection" type that fills the centre of the roundabout. This only applies to big roundabouts that are larger than 30 metres.
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| ''For further advice on editing roundabouts, see [[Junctions and roundabouts/United Kingdom#Roundabouts|Editing Junctions and Roundabouts]]''
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| ==Lay-bys==
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| * Lay-bys should only be included where there is significant separation from the main road (e.g. grass, trees or a physical barrier) in a similar way to deciding if a road is dual carriageway.
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| * Routes in and out should be mapped with roads of "Parking Lot Road" type, with appropriate directions and turns.
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| * The Lay-by road should have no city name and the road name set to "[P]".
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| * A Landmark is not required for lay-bys.
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| '''Lay-by Examples:'''
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| This example shows significant separation between the road and Lay-by:
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| [[Image:Good_Layby_1.jpg]]
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| This example is only separated by the distance between the (N) and (S) carriageways which is the minimum that you should map. Note that the "parking lot road" is mapped over the area that vehicles park on to improve separation:
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| [[Image:Good_Layby_2.jpg]]
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| This example does not have enough separation for the Lay-by to be mapped:
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| [[Image:Bad_Layby_1.jpg]]
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| (Note: this example is zoomed in closer that the previous two!)
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| ==Bypass or By-pass?==
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| Bypass.
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| ==Railways==
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| Railway lines should be drawn in as '''Railroad''' type roads, particularly if there are other streets nearby. They will soon appear in the client, and they potentially keep Wazers on trains from polluting the local speed data.
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| Tracks should be drawn ''as simply as possible'' - they do not need to be accurate out in the country where no one can see them, and it is not necessary to map individual tracks through a station.
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| '''Segment Properties''':
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| * '''City:''' No City
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| * '''Name:''' No Name
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| * '''Type:''' Railroad
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| * '''Direction:''' Two way
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| * '''Level:''' Ground, unless actually going under or over over another road
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| * '''Lock:''' 3 | |
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| Railroad segments '''can''' be connected to the road network at level crossings, without any risk of Waze routing drivers onto the tracks. The extra granularity of segments at the crossing provides more accurate routing information. All turns should be enabled (no red arrows please).
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| Railways which are underground (i.e. through tunnels) must not be mapped.
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| ''For more detailed information on railways, please see the [[Road_types/USA#Railroad]] but be aware that the guidelines written above take precedence.''
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| '''Note:''' it is often necessary to split railways lines at county boundaries to avoid smudging the county name into the wrong area.
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