Maine/To do/Main View history

< Maine‎ | To do

Current projects for Maine:

  • Speed Limits on mH and PS. The ME DOT map includes SL data, but I strongly urge you to verify and locate SL changes using SV (particularly on PS, where the ME DOT map is inconsistent). Please drop PS locks to Auto(1) as you work on them.
  • Parking lot conformance. All Parking Lot Areas should be reviewed and upgraded per the new U.S. PLA standards. Do NOT add new PLAs until that guidance changes nationally.
  • Place cleanup. Lots of very incomplete Places; should conform to WMEPH guidance.
  • Base map upgrades. Many towns (mostly rural) are still base map garbage off the main roads. Work here is particularly challenging because of the "camp roads" running down to lakefront cottages and such. This requires balancing of info from the state mapping resources, existing map, and judgment.
  • Town map links. Add links to the Cities/Towns page.